Woke NASCAR Apologizes To LGBTQ Community After Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Waves Green Flag At Event

 June 4, 2022

NASCAR issued an apology Wednesday for “recent actions” that are “not aligned” with its mission, after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) waved the green flag ahead of last week’s All-Star Race at Texas Motor Speedway. Though the governor is not mentioned in the NASCAR tweet, an Associated Press (AP) reporter confirmed that Abbott’s presence at the event had been regarded as an error.

While not mentioned by name, he has been targeted by the LGBT+ community after he supported Texas lawmakers in a move to protect Texans, against the ever advancing ‘WOKE’ agenda. In February, shortly after Attorney General Ken Paxton defined transgender treatment of children as child abuse, Abbott asked state agencies to investigate any reports of children, undergoing treatment to alter their biological development.

Transgender advocates promote giving children drugs that block the onset of puberty as essential for “gender-affirming” medical care. These advocates are most definitely advancing the concept that one can choose their sex, alter their biological makeup including undergoing body-altering surgery.

More specifics found elsewhere described the abuse dilemma, as it regards the conservative efforts to restrain this woke population. In a harsh criticism of the actual outcome of these efforts, the stated-

 “They failed,” the leaders lamented. “Instead, Texans witnessed grandstanding and hollow posturing while the abuses of chemical and surgical mutilation and sterilization of underage children continue — as does the continued corruption of children with school-pushed pornography, Cultural Marxism of Critical Race Theory, and the indoctrination of social-emotional learning. The legislature even failed to protect females from the unfair competition from biological males in collegiate sports!”

-Christian Post Reporter

Apparently, the war continues.

Headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida, NASCAR marked the first day of LGBTQ+ “Pride Month” with a unique version of the pride flag, along with a message apologizing for actions it deemed uncharacteristic of its mission.

In a tweet, the world-famous auto racing company tweeted-

“As we celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, we acknowledge that recent actions have not aligned with NASCAR’s mission to be a welcoming sport for all,” adding “We remain steadfast in our commitment to create a more inclusive environment — in our workplaces, at the race track & in the stands,”

-NASCAR on Twitter

In response to NASCAR’s tweet, many took to social media to mock the company’s groveling. Many weighed in-

“Perfect example of wonkiness invading a business to the point where they have completely lost touch with their customer base,”

-Caleb Hull, Communications Strategist

“This is just getting silly,”

-Chad Greene, Conservative Writer and Commentator

“Laughingly pathetic,”

- Steve Deice, Conservative Radio Host.

“People on here triggered that a politician was allowed to be at a race in a red state and wave the green flag need [to] grow up,” “People who don’t vote as you do shouldn’t be forced into either caving or be[ing] silenced.”

- Curtis Houck, Media Research Center (MRC)

“Woke NASCAR? WTH?! What next, woke MMA?”

-Harmeet Dhillon, Conservative Attorney

“Go woke, go broke. You people will never learn,”

-Twitter User

Essentially, the Woke community is fighting back, and NASCAR is bowing on both knees to please them. Hopefully, the paying customers who subscribe to NASCAR events will boycott or spend less money with them. They need a dose of “Go Woke, Go Broke” – a lesson they could learn from Disney!

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