Whistleblower Alleges: FBI Plotted To Distort January 6th Cases To Portray Nationwide “Domestic Violent Extremism” Epidemic

 September 21, 2022

According to Judiciary Committee ranking member, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the FBI’s Washington Field Office, has been accused by a new whistleblower, of using cases related to the January 6th U.S. Capitol riot, to “overstate” the threat of “domestic violent extremism” in America.

Jordan revealed, in a letter addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday, that the whistleblower alleged that the FBI office, did not follow standard investigative practices for the January 6th cases, when it moved the cases to various local field offices around the country - based on where the case subjects were from. The January 6th cases, according to the letter,

 “should all be officially led by the WFO [Washington Field Office] and categorized as WFO cases,”

-Rep. Jim Jordan Letter to FBI Director Wray

Instead, a “task force” dispatched instructions, to open January 6th investigations, to local field offices nationwide,

who received the cases, making it look as if they were conducting the investigations on the cases, when, in reality, the Washington Field Office continued to conduct the bulk of the work, according to the letter.

Additionally, the whistleblower told Jordan-

“The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single, black swan incident at the Capitol, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.”

-FBI Whistleblower

Jordan noted in the letter to FBI Director Wray that-

“Such an artificial case categorization scheme, allows FBI leadership to misleadingly point to ‘significant’ increases in DVE [domestic violent extremism] threats nationwide,”

-Rep. Jim Jordan Letter to FBI Director Wray

This deceitful tactic, supports a narrative being perpetuated by the Biden administration, that DVE is a growing nationwide threat. Citing an instance of being “told that child sexual abuse material investigations were no longer an FBI priority, and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies,” the whistleblower, also alleged that January 6th cases were inappropriately taking priority over other cases.

This new whistleblower allegation, comes after at least two other whistleblowers had indicated to Jordan in July, that FBI officials were pressuring agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism, despite there being limited evidence to do so. This brings the number to three, who have now come forward, to Jordan, about the FBI inflating domestic violent extremism case numbers.

According to Breitbart News, who in July, first reported that one of these whistleblowers had accused embattled former Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault of corruption. Being one of the senior officials, at the agency who pressured agents to reclassify cases, Thibault resigned from the FBI. He is also under investigation for potentially violating the Hatch Act, and has been accused by whistleblowers of shutting down a line of investigation into “derogatory Hunter Biden reporting.” He has also been accused of handling investigations, including those on election-related matters, inconsistently. Upon his resignation, Thibault retained legal counsel and released a statement through his lawyer, that ignored some allegations against him, while denying others.

Although Jordan has demanded numerous communications and documents from Wray, in Monday’s letter, relating to the latest whistleblower allegations, Jordan has repeatedly expressed his disappointment, related to the limited responses, he has received from the Justice Department and the FBI.

Set to chair the Judiciary Committee, next year when Republicans take the majority, Jordan has vowed to investigate what he describes as the politicization of the FBI based in part, on the well over a dozen whistleblower allegations he has fielded from the agency.

As we can see, deceit runs deep - in the Biden administration, from the top on down. That about a dozen whistle-blowers have come forward to get help, is very telling for this administration. People at the FBI, are being ask to manipulate the truth, change locations of investigations wrongfully, to deceive the American people regarding domestic violence extremism and are forcing – suppression of the truth about, negative reporting of the Hunter Biden story.

There apparently, are lies upon lies, coming both out of this White House and the administration at all levels. Just like roaches in the light, they all seem to run for the cover of darkness to stay hidden. May God preserve America from the deceitful leadership, that is at her helm, and may those faithful to the constitutional republic, in her midst, stay ever vigilant, in their pursuit of the truth – at whatever level they must go to find it.

“Integrity is the lifeblood of democracy. Deceit is a poison in its veins.”

-Edward Kennedy
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