WH Mandates Masking And Social Distancing For Unvaxed “College Athlete Day” Guests

Despite the federal government having terminated the national emergency declaration for the pandemic,  Biden’s White House is still requiring guests who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. to wear face masks and practice social distancing. According to Fox News, earlier this week, the White House Office of Legislative Affairs sent out an email invitation to members of Congress, requesting their attendance at their "College Athlete Day". The email included COVID protocols as well as additional logistical details.

Despite having invited dozens of NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams from Divisions I, II, and III to celebrate their victories at the White House on Monday, it appears that the fear of COVID is still alive and well.

While lawmakers are not required to receive a COVID test in advance of this event, they will need to wear a mask and socially distance if they're unvaccinated, according to the White House.

Reportedly the email reads-

"Masking Guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds,"… "Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds."

-White House Office of Legislative Affairs

Experts, meanwhile continue to call into question the efficacy of face masks.  In a recent study published by the Cochrane Library, funded by the National Institutes of Health, findings from 78 randomized controlled trials, which sought to determine whether "physical interventions" (such as face-masks and hand-washing) lessened the spread of respiratory viruses, were very enlightening.

According to the study's lead author, Tom Jefferson, when interviewed was asked specifically about fitted N95 masks in health care settings, said scientifically-

 "There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop,"… "It makes no difference – none of it."

-Tom Jefferson, Lead Author & Researcher, Cochrane Library

Further, a recent study from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, determined that COVID vaccine mandates, in nine major cities didn't appear to make a difference in terms of curbing cases of deaths from the pandemic. So despite the fact that Biden has signed off on the pandemic – his administration continues to hold onto the control they have been pleased to exert, on those who chose to not take the “jab”.

This is no real surprise since control by fear, has been the standard of this administration. Their current policy has not changed despite the fact that most of the American population is now back to some degree of “normal” post pandemic. Promoting rules based on fear does not solve anything but continues to fuel the power, that this administration cannot seem to part with.

“For any reputable person or organization to be successful, that person's or organization's actions must be based on solid information, not conspiracy theories, not hearsay, not rumors, and certainly not fear mongering.”

-Mike Klepper
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