VP Harris Requires COVID Tests For All Over Two Yrs. To Participate in Senate Swearing In Photo-Op

 January 3, 2023

In a very showy demonstration, of her control of the “ceremonial reenactment” for incoming and newly re-elected Senators in the Old Senate Chamber, Vice President Kamala Harris is requiring any senator, family member or guest of a senator wishing to take a photo with her, at Tuesday’s swearing-in ceremony for the new Congress, to have a negative coronavirus test taken within 24 hours of the picture according to Breitbart News.

Reportedly, on Thursday, the U.S. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Protocol Office, sent out a message to all Senate offices, noting that Harris’s office is requiring the coronavirus tests before taking photos with the vice president. Essentially, she is requiring anyone over the age of two to undergo testing to stand or be held for a photo – opportunity with her. The office wrote-

“The Vice President’s office has requested that we send their standard COVID-19 protocol information to offices participating in the reenactment opportunity in the Old Senate Chamber. Please see their suggested process below,”… “We look forward to welcoming all Senators and their families for the reenactment opportunity on January 3rd.”

-U.S. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Protocol Office

Contained in the general email, was a forwarded message from the Director of Legislative Affairs in the Office of the Vice President, Grisella Martinez. It was she who relayed the coronavirus testing requirements, stating-

“We look forward to welcoming your Senator on January 3, 2023, to the ceremonial reenactment for incoming and newly re-elected Senators in the Old Senate Chamber,”... “As you are aware, White House COVID-19 protocols require that anyone over two-years of age who will interact with the Vice President take a medically-administered antigen test within 24 hours prior to interaction, and receive a negative result. This policy applies regardless of vaccination status.”

-Grisella Martinez, the Director of Legislative Affairs in the Office of the Vice President

She also noted that both returning and incoming Senators, their spouses, and “and other guests who will participate in the ceremonial swearing-in reenactment in the Old Senate Chamber” were to have taken the test “within 24 hours before 1pm on January 3, 2023.”and “submit the negative results of a medically administered test emailed to” a specified email address before 9 a.m. on Jan.3.

This supposed event, is basically a photo opportunity for persons interested in taking advantage of a ceremonial reenactment of the swearing-in where senators (who are already officially sworn in prior) and their families can take photographs with the Vice President of the United States. This because Harris’ Constitutional duties, include presiding over the Senate. This year however, according to Harris – standing alongside of her for a photo is restricted to those having tested negative for COVID.

Harris may have shorter line for photos, as reportedly, some senators, are apparently so upset they might not participate in the photo ceremony with Harris, and may snub the vice president altogether. Further, that she is demanding this of even small children is ridiculous. This subjection of Senators children and grandchildren to COVID testing, is not the time to power posture over fighting the coronavirus, especially since, the Biden administration is in court currently trying to argue that the pandemic is over, seeking to allow them to lift Title 42 authority at the border. The whole matter is a political control for access stunt. It’s a wonder anyone wants a photo with her period.

Likely, this is one more time that Harris can point out that her job includes overseeing the Senate. She is so important, that catching anything while standing there, might cause her to be sick and neglect her duties. Sadly, she has made a literal tradition of neglecting her duties to the American people, especially at the southern border and has not been ill as an excuse. Why care now about seeming to be a responsible elected official? America should pay more attention to what Harris does than what Harris says – they certainly match.

“Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do.”

- Dale Carnegie

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