Liz Cheney (R-WY) Leaves Congress A Very Wealthy Woman

 January 3, 2023

On Tuesday, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) leaves her congressional seat, having become a wealthy woman, during her six years of supposedly serving Wyoming. Another example of an establishment politician who garnered wealth in office, accumulated by connection in one form or another. It would appear that Cheney in fact held several paying positions in addition to her seat in Congress.

Essentially, she reported no additional earned income, transactions or gifts. She did declare that she held three paying posts, that include - membership of a holding company, a trustee position at the University of Wyoming, and what appears to be a position in her family’s trust.

According to Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Cheney has become very wealthy, during her six years in Congress. Reportedly her net worth has grown from an estimated $7 million when she took office in 2017, compared to possibly $44 million in 2020. So essentially, during her stint in Congress, and pending the specifics on her latest financial disclosure form, Cheney’s net worth expansion could literally have increased some 600 percent. That’s pretty lucrative.

Enhanced by her husband, Philip Perry, a partner at the  Latham & Watkins law firm in Washington, DC, which has advised Chinese companies, Cheney’s wealth and social status have grown. Since 2017, when Cheney joined Congress,  Perry has maintained “equity ownership” in the firm, worth between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000.  In an earlier news report by Breitbart, it was purported that-

“Perry’s firm has advised a Chinese Communist Party-linked technology company named TME and Exelon Corporation. The State Department in 2019 dubbed TME a tool of the Chinese government. According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2011, Exelon Corporation agreed to provide consulting and training services to an arm of the state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The state-owned CNNC’s president and vice president are appointed by the highest administrative position in the Government of China, the Premier of the People’s Republic of China. The CNNC supervises all facets of China’s nuclear programs.”

“While Perry’s law firm has serviced Chinese clients, Cheney sat on the Armed Services Committee with many powerful subcommittees dedicated to national security. Cheney worked with House Republicans’ on producing a 2020 report on Communist China entitled the “China Task Force Report.” The report states, “[T]he greatest generational challenge we face today is the threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

-Breitbart News

Cheney, lost her Republican primary by nearly 40 points last August, largely the result of her absence from the voters in Wyoming, her absolute personal vendetta and quest to stop Donald Trump from seeking political office (though she voted 90 percent of the time favorably with his policies when he was president) and spending time, living large in the January 6th Committee spotlight. Apparently, Cheney likes the D.C. power and influence it gives, over the voters in her home state of Wyoming.

So now, just because she is being forced out of Congress does not mean she or her family will depart Washington, DC, or return home to Wyoming.  Cheney has not definitively stated what her future plans are. She has stated that, she continues working on her forward focus of blocking Trump from winning re-election in 2024. Interestingly, it is unclear how she will do so, without the previous power her position in Congress afforded her. Floating the idea of potentially running for president in 2024, Cheney has seen neither the Democrats or Republicans rallying to her side.

A case in point for someone who rolled right into the “establishment” power players and work the system in Congress, during her tenure there, Cheney (together with her husband) has personally “clean- up” financially. Sadly, getting rich while supposedly serving the American people in Congress is not an unfamiliar story. What’s even sadder is the fact that she let the Republican party down, especially in her own state, to the degree that they relieved her of her party affiliation.

True, Cheney is now very wealthy, but measuring what she’s lost (her seeming integrity, her party, the chance to help America in Congress and so on, there is no doubt – these are things that her wealth cannot buy.

“It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things money can't buy.”

George Horace Lorimer
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