South Carolina Man Livestreamed Sexual Assault Of Toddler, Gets 30 Years In Federal Prison

 April 11, 2022

This past Wednesday, 32-year-old David James Allison of Bluffton South Carolina was sentenced by United States District Judge Bruce Howe Hendricks to 30 years in prison and a lifetime of court-ordered supervision following the prison term, together with 20 years on each of the sexual exploitation of a minor charges from Circuit Court Judge Carmen T. Mullen. 

Allison was convicted of livestreaming, on Skype, sexual acts on a 22-month-old toddler. Let that sink in.

A 22-month-old toddler looks to society for all their needs growing into childhood, how can we as a society have failed this child so badly? Can you imagine the harm done here? The trauma caused, the fear established and the physical pain endured? That anyone could do this is beyond shocking.

In the American heartland of yesteryear, David Allison wouldn’t survive one night after being convicted. Let’s see how much better he fares in the Federal Prison System. Nothing makes convicts any meaner or nastier than a snitch or someone who assaults children and this was essentially a baby.

When his prison cell mates find out that he was convicted of sharing some of these heinous acts on a Skype livestream, or the fact that he confessed to sexually assaulting this toddler at least five times over a four-month period in 2019, there are sure to be a few “discussions” go down.

Crimes against the innocent are especially heinous, even among convicted felons.

In January of 2020, a family member, supposedly Allison’s wife, came across messages between Allison and another man, who was identified by the DOJ as Andrew McPherson-Young, 52, of West Sussex, United Kingdom. Alison’s wife then notified the local authorities. 

Federal investigators were able to trace the Skype communications to an IP address in Littlehampton in West Sussex, U.K., which then led to a local investigation by Sussex Police. McPherson-Young, himself a subject in the case, admitted to instructing Allison on how to sexually assault the toddler, all while watching the despicable acts over Skype. McPherson-Young is being prosecuted in the U.K..

So, Allison needed McPherson-Young to teach him how best to sexually assault a toddler? The stench in one’s nostrils as one imagines the scenes unfolding in this Skype livestream – defy any sort of rational thought. The smell of burning flesh sounds more pleasant to consider. 

The Assistant Solicitor, Julie Kate Keeney prosecuted the state charges for South Carolina. In describing the detestable nature of these crimes, she declared  “These were unspeakably depraved acts against a victim that epitomizes vulnerability,” adding “Through vigorous prosecution in both state and federal court, a predator has been removed from society.”

Somewhere along the way David Allison lost his conscience. One has to wonder what went so wrong in his own life to cause him to abuse a small child so cruelly and without regard for their humanity. What happened to him? Society may never know.

Truly there is no more applicable statement than the one that comes to mind here: “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9. KJV

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