Serial Luggage Theft Suspect, Sam Brinton, Is Fired By DOE After New Accusations Filed

 December 13, 2022

Following two accusations of luggage theft at separate airports, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has reportedly fired the “openly genderfluid” Sam Brinton. Prior to Monday’s report about Brinton’s firing, the Biden DOE said only that he had been placed on leave. Brinton identifies as they, them.

On Monday, a DOE spokesperson said, in an email to the Daily Signal, that-

“Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee,” …and “By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.”

-Department of Energy Spokesperson

Brinton’s’ firing comes as a result of two separate incidents where they (he) was charged with felony, grand larceny in the alleged removal of luggage from both Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) International Airport on September 16th and at the Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas earlier in July. Both alleged thefts with subsequent charges, were caught on video tape at the baggage claim departments of both airports.

The first theft, though months ago in July, was not attributed to Brinton, at that time, because he could not be identified by authorities. After the subsequent removal of an expensive and stylist roller bag at MSP in September where he was identified and questioned, a review of the July video tapes revealed that in fact Brinton was indeed identified by law enforcement to be the seeming perpetrator in both cases.

Brinton supposedly hosted a “spanking seminar” at a kink conference weeks after the alleged incident, under the “‘NuclearNerd’ nickname that’s still in use on fetish hookup website”. According to the Daily Mail reportedly-

“Last Saturday, Sam Brinton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, who could be facing five years in prison for the bag theft, presented a seminar titled: ‘Spanking: From Calculus To Chemistry,’”

“The seminar was held at Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites in Los Angeles, where Brinton stayed on Friday and Saturday night,” it added. “The event was titled: ‘LA Leather Getaway’ and was sponsored by CLAW Corp., a national leather charity.”

-Daily Mail

According to the National Pulse, prior to his appointment with the Biden administration, Brinton openly opposed conversion therapy and taught “Kink 101” workshops on college campuses. Brinton In one particular workshop, wore a dress while standing over three men in leather dog masks. In a 2016 Metro Weekly article, Brinton called this a “pup play” fetish.

Brinton’s initial court hearing, for their (his) first felony charge, is scheduled for December 19 in Hennepin County. Hopefully they (he) will not expect some form of special treatment for their (his) position in the Biden administration, who had placed them (him) “on leave about a month ago following the accusations”, according to the New York Post. Additionally, the fact that they (he) is somewhat of a unique individual being “gender fluid”, should also not be a factor in these felony theft cases. That he is no longer employed by the DOE, will certainly take some heat off of the Biden administrations original blunder in hiring them (him).

Apparently, Brinton has a fetish for expensive looking luggage, with similarly expected contents and just cannot keep from taking what is not theirs (his). One wonders, with these two circumstances, how many more pieces of luggage have gone missing over time, that they (he) has had access to. That this person was ever possibly in charge of U.S. nuclear waste is shocking. That he is finally off the tax-payers dole is the first reasonable thing, this administration has done. After all it only took two felony charges (with Brinton caught on video tape) to give them a reason. Wow!

This is what looking for unique persons to fill a “progressive punch card” nets you. Hailed by the Biden administration as their first non-binary openly “gender-fluid” DOE employee, it is obvious that his character could not stand up to scrutiny. Likely, the administration never checked into Brinton’s “uniqueness”, while they clearly set him up as their progressive transgender trophy.

Sadly, the Biden administration is full of individuals of Brinton’s’ caliber, who should have been vetted for their personal character and abilities to fulfill the job offered, rather than representing their lifestyle and sexual orientation. Brinton’s hiring, is just another huge Biden administrative blunder - among many. His firing was largely forced because of the bad press that Mr. Brinton was providing. He should have been fired weeks ago.

“The true measure of your character is what you would do if you were sure no one would ever find out”

-John C Maxwell
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