Hunter Biden Team Plans Offensive, As White House Disagrees

 December 14, 2022

Reportedly, among those surrounding the Biden family, disagreement exists regarding how to combat Republican investigations into the family business. Hunter appears poised to go on the defensive early, while the White House and some Democrats, disagree with his seemingly aggressive approach.

Hollywood attorney, Kevin Morris, who was retained by Hunter to “craft legal and media strategy,” reportedly believes the Biden family should take a more aggressive position against the GOP investigations. He believes that Hunter should remain in the public eye, along with suing conservative media networks as well as some Republicans for defamation, concerning information discovered on the “Laptop from Hell.”

Those others in the Biden’s’ circle, believe the family should take a far less aggressive approach. They support allowing the White House and congressional Democrats, to combat the investigations through public relations and staying out of the public view. Essentially handling this matter from a more muted perspective.

Assembling a team to research and compile information against Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski and laptop repair man John Paul Mac Isaac, Morris hopes to likely discredit both individuals. This is because they are set to cooperate with the GOP’s probes into the Biden family business. Reportedly this team includes attorney Joshua A. Levy, who is heading up the Biden family’s defense against the GOP’s congressional investigation that seeks to reveal that Joe Biden is compromised by the family’s business schemes and Chris Clark, a lawyer handling the Justice Department’s investigation into Hunter’s alleged gun and tax violations, according to the Washington Post’s Matt Viser and Michael Scherer.

Reportedly, disagreement exists between Morris and the White House about how the Biden family should combat the investigations into the family business. Giving Hunter $2 million to pay the IRS for delinquent taxes, Morris wants Hunter to remain in the public eye by attending public events, such as the recent White House state dinner and public art exhibits. According to the Post, those who agree with Morris’s strategy, also want Hunter to play a public role in Joe Biden’s potential reelection campaign. However, not everyone agrees with Morris’s strategy.

According to the Post, one Democrat, speaking under anonymity opposes the approach.

“No one thinks this strategy of putting Hunter Biden front and center is smart,” adding... “No one, including the White House, thinks this is a smart strategy.”

-Anonymous Democrat

Also, appearing to be opposed to pushing Hunter further into the public eye, the White House has suggested it will not comply with many of the GOP’s subpoenas seeking information related to Hunter’s role in the Biden family business. It continues to make the argument, that Hunter is a private citizen, and should be allowed to conduct his own business affairs in the art market without scrutiny. However, Hunter’s recent public appearances at a White House state dinner and at a New York City art gallery, have renewed public scrutiny surrounding his proximity to the president.

Reportedly, Ian Sams, White House Spokesman, told the Washington Post-

“Congressional Republicans’ politically motivated partisan attacks on the president and his family are rooted in nonsensical conspiracy theories and do nothing to address the real issues Americans care about,”

-Ian Sams, White House Spokesman

On Saturday, GOP Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY) reportedly told Breitbart News, that Hunter’s ongoing publicly visible business in the unregulated art market is a national security threat, one that compromises the president. In a joint statement, Comer and Stefanik said-

 “One thing is clear, the facts are revealing that Joe Biden is compromised,” and “In the new majority, House Republicans will use our subpoena power to expose how deep Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family’s corruption goes and hold this Administration accountable.” they continued…

-Rep. James Comer (R-KY) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)

Of one of the nine alleged Biden family business violations probed by the GOP, money laundering, was identified as an issue in the art world, according to the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations last year. ,” the committee said –

 “Secrecy, anonymity, and a lack of regulation create an environment ripe for laundering money and evading sanctions” and “Given the intrinsic secrecy of the art industry, it is clear that change is needed in this multi-billion-dollar industry.”

-Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Meanwhile, Hunter continues to be under investigation by the Justice Department for alleged tax and gun violations. According to the Wall Street Journal, Hunters’ defense team could possibly successfully use his drug abuse history to defend the president’s son against potential charges. Of note also is the fact that, President Joe Biden has failed to appoint a special counsel to probe into his son’s alleged violations.

Peter Schweizer, Breitbart senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute President, in 2020 and 2021, published Profiles in Corruption and Secret Empires. The books exposed how Hunter and Joe Biden, flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013, to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China, (just 10 days after the trip). Each book hit number one, on the New York Times bestseller list. Reportedly, Schweizer’s work, also uncovered the Biden family’s vast lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Further, Emma-Jo Morris, Breitbart’s political editor, did investigative work on Biden’s’ “laptop from hell”,  along with author, Miranda Devine, revealing Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses. Apparently, Joe even supposedly had a 10% stake in the company, that Hunter formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. Essentially, this was buried truth, that came out as distorted lies and was completely “blanketed over”, even suppressed, by U.S officials and the mass media.

The new year, 2023, should prove both challenging and interesting for both the GOP and the White House as the compromise of Joe Biden, through his son Hunter’s business dealings become front and center – regardless of the two factions weighing in on what Hunter should be doing. America needs to finally be apprised of where U.S. national security has been and / or continues to be compromised, under the leadership of Joe Biden, alias “the Big guy”.

“To free peoples, peace means the absence of threats and the presence of justice…And… The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.

-Rush Limbaugh
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