Putin Declares America Russia’s Top Threat

 August 2, 2022

On Sunday, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, signed a military document declaring, the United States is the primary threat to Russian security. This is the first update to Russia’s naval doctrine since 2015, following Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine.

St. Petersburg, a venue chosen to honor Tsar Peter the Great for establishing Russia as a major naval power,

celebrated Navy Day on Sunday. This a national holiday established by Putin’s decree in 2017, celebrated with a huge parade of military vessels on the Neva River.

With a congratulatory address to Russia’s sailors, before launching the naval parade, Putin signed a 55-page document that laid out the strategic goals of the Russian Navy. The document said the primary threat faced by Russia is “the strategic policy of the USA to dominate the world’s oceans,” coupled with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) advance on Russia’s land borders.

According to the state-run, Tass News service-

“The Main Naval Parade includes the maritime, airborne and ground components to give a complete picture of the modern Russian Navy. In all, 47 combat ships, boats and submarines of Russia’s Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea Fleets are participating in the Main Naval Parade on the Neva River and in the Kronshtadt roadstead,”

-Russian State-Run Tass News Service

Included in the parade were over 40 naval aircraft, including, transports, fighters, helicopters, bombers, and approximately 3,500 personnel.

In his address, the new naval doctrine reportedly includes the following wording-

“Guided by this doctrine, the Russian Federation will firmly and resolutely defend its national interests in the world’s oceans, and having sufficient maritime power will guarantee their security and protection,”

-Updated Russian Naval Doctrine

The document stated the Russia will seek greater strategic and naval cooperation with nations like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and India. Of note, is the fact, that the last two are major U.S. strategic partners.

Following its invasion of Ukraine, this new doctrine also urges Russia to consolidate its naval strength in the Black and Azov Seas. Russia’s focus, that is making American planners nervous about the safety of U.S., and allied assets, is Russia’s described attention in the Arctic.

According to Radio Free Europe (RFE), Putin listed several other bodies of water where Russia would protect its interests by “all means,” including the Okhotsk and Bering Seas, the Kuril Straits and the Baltic. In several of these regions, Russia has disputed maritime borders with other powers.

Promising Zircon hypersonic missiles would be delivered to Russian warships, within the next few months, during his Navy Day speech, Putin said that hypersonic missiles would give Russia the ability to

 “respond with lightning speed to all who decides to infringe on our sovereignty and freedom.”

-Russian Leader Vladimir Putin

Frequently boasting, that these missiles move so fast that American anti-missile systems cannot stop them, Putin  also boasts that Russia is leading the world in all aspects of hypersonic technology. He claims consequently, that Russia does have effective defenses against American hypersonic weapons.

Claiming it has successfully tested Zircon missiles, Russia’s military stated that it has done so several times this year. They even purport to have deployed them twice in combat in Ukraine. Declining to confirm whether Zircons have been used in Ukraine, the Pentagon said in any event, they would not be a “game changer.”

“An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes.”

-Thomas Jefferson
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