Pelosi Abruptly Exits Press Conference After Asked About Husband’s Stock Trading

 July 22, 2022

So, what, she’s Speaker of the House of Representatives, third in line to the Presidency in a national disaster, and supposedly should be setting the example for the rest of the House to follow. If Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) doesn’t want to answer questions, she merely walks out of the interview.

On Thursday, after being asked about her husband’s questionable stock transactions, Pelosi abruptly exited her press conference and walked away. This was in response to a reporter who asked Pelosi point blank “Over the course of your career, has your husband ever made a stock purchase or sale based on the information you’ve received as Speaker” ?

To which Nancy replied-

 “No… absolutely not”

-Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

Looking a bit baffled, she pushed the microphone down in front of her, before making an exit, looking neither left nor right. Her stated reply wasn’t even very convincing.

This question was asked of her in follow up to last week’s activity by Pelosi’s husband, who was reported to have exercised 20,000 shares worth, between $1 million to $5 million in Nvidia, a semiconductor company based in Santa Clara, California. Further, it would seem that Paul Pelosi, acquired the stock ahead of the Senate vote on a competition bill, that would give a $52 billion subsidy to the semiconductor industry.

This was reported on Thursday last week in a disclosure that Nancy Pelosi was required to file with the House of Representatives. Additionally, in the same disclosure it was revealed that Paul Pelosi sold 10,000 shares worth between $1 million to $5 million in Visa, and 50 call options worth between $100,000 to $250,000 in Apple.

And even back in June of 2021, according to the Daily Caller, Paul Pelosi purchased up to millions of dollars in Nvidia stocks. It would appear that this purchase also occurred around the same time the Senate was slated to pass a more expanded version of the semiconductor subsidy bill; however, the House never took up the legislation.

There is seemingly a definite pattern here. What impeccable timing the Pelosi’s have – get in early enough to take advantage of the vote to come. Apparently when you are married to the Speaker of the House, you can time your purchases to make BIG BUCKS.

It would appear that quietly, Nancy and her husband Paul have positioned themselves to make a boat load of cash. Who says, it’s what you know that matters, when in fact, it’s who you know that has the inside scoop. While Americans suffer financially through her party’s policies, the rest of America’s investments, 401Ks and retirement accounts are tanking! She obviously did not stick around the interview to put struggling Americans first, with an explanation.

Among the highest-earning members in the House, Nancy Pelosi has gone on record regarding trading stocks, stating that she opposes a ban on congressional members trading stocks. Really – no doubt when she can use her position to line her already deep pockets.

Living in the state with the most homeless and responsible for the squalor in her district, Nancy lives a kept life behind her walled, guarded estate. As long as she is in the know, and Californians as well as U.S. Citizens continue to pay their taxes, she can continue to live her affluent lifestyle. Why should she give more than her party’s lip service, to the common American?

In a recent statement to the Daily Caller, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) said of Pelosi’s ethics-

“Obviously Speaker Pelosi would be aware of the timing of this legislation over in the Senate,”. “On the heels of that vote, for anyone in her orbit to purchase seven-figures worth of stock of an U.S.-based chip manufacturer just reeks of impropriety.”

America is not fooled by your ignoring facts and lacking plausible explanations, Nancy. Gratefully, your reign will soon come to an end and you can retire with all the money you have gained since coming to the tax-payers trough.

One Blogger paraphrased Nancy’s behavior -

"How dare you ask me about my husband's business dealings, don't you know who I am? You're supposed to unconditionally respect me, my drunk lazy arse husband and my no-good greedy children no matter how corrupt and evil we are, you peons."

-Clear Data, Breitbart Blogger

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are."

-Benjamin Franklin.

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