Paul Pelosi Pleads Guilty To DUI, Gets Lenient Sentence With No Additional Jail Time

 August 25, 2022

Pleading guilty to one count of DUI (driving under the influence), stemming from his arrest in late May, when he crashed his Porsche in Napa Valley, California,  - Paul Pelosi, Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband has been sentenced to three-years-probation with no additional jail time, according to court records obtained by TMZ.

Pelosi received conduct credit, amounting to two days, and credit for the two days already served in jail at the time of his arrest. He is slated to work eight hours in the court’s work program to make up for the fifth day, according to a report by Politico. What a travesty of justice, sentenced to a mere five days in jail, serve only two, and spend 8 hours helping out in the courts work program. Laughable consequences at best. Wonder if they are taking him to lunch too?

Additionally, Pelosi’s probation terms, require that he complete a three-month drinking and driving course, pay a $150 fine, and have an ignition interlock device on his car for one year. A very lenient sentence for the offense, when he could have killed someone including himself.

In his accident of May 28, Pelosi was involved in a two-vehicle car crash, and was arrested for driving under the influence about an hour afterwards. He purportedly had slurred speech, red and watery eyes, and a drug in his system at the time of his arrest for DUI. Napa County prosecutors later dropped what they called a “boilerplate” drug allegation in the DUI complaint against Pelosi.

Paul Pelosi’s membership in the California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation may also be revoked after he reportedly violated its policy and flashed his membership card, when asked, during his DUI arrest, for his identification.

I guess it’s who you know, since his sentence was very light, even after he tried to impress the arresting officers with his importance. It would seem that the Pelosi’s see themselves above the law in most cases – especially when they can seemingly get away with insider trading, that would have most people indicted and locked-up for years.  One can only ask the question – how do they get such special treatment? The answer is that they are members of the protected DC swamp. It is disgusting to watch the hypocrisy they live by.

“hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves a deception of others is thus a lie”
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