PA Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate John Fetterman Suffers Stroke

 May 17, 2022

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is making an amazing recovery after recently suffering a stroke, according to a statement released by his campaign on Sunday. Currently he is, the favorite to win the state’s Democrat U.S. Senate primary. Fetterman said of his illness -

“I hadn’t been feeling well, but was so focused on the campaign that I ignored the signs and just kept going. On Friday it finally caught up with me,” adding “I had a stroke that was caused by a clot from my heart being in an A-fib rhythm for too long.”

- Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman

Fetterman credits his wife, Gisele, for urging him to go to the hospital to get checked out. Apparently, she spotted the symptoms and got him to the hospital within minutes, where doctors there were able to quickly remove the clot completely reversing the stroke. Also, they were able to get his atrial fibrillation rhythm under control. Doctors said further that he did not suffer any cognitive damage and is well on his way to a full recovery.

The Lt. Governor expects to be released sometime soon, and get back on the campaign trail before November’s general election. However, Fetterman whose campaign is not slowing in his absence, realizes that he needs for the present, to take time to get some rest, and recover.

Doctors have assured him that he will be able to get back on the trail and be ready for the stress of the campaign to come. Fetterman noted regarding his recent stroke-

“It’s a good reminder to listen to your body and be aware of the signs.” and “The good news is I’m feeling much better, … I have a lot to be thankful for,”… finishing with “Thanks for all the support, and please get out there and vote”

- Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman

Lt. Governor Fetterman is expected to beat Rep. Connor Lamb (D-PA) and state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, his Democrat challengers, in the Pennsylvania’s Senate primary today.

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