NBC News and Leftist Colleagues Shame / Ridicule Their Own Journalist For Covering Needed Visual Aids Required For Personal Interview With PA Candidate Democrat John Fetterman

 October 13, 2022

In a Tuesday Report, NBC News journalist Dasha Burns’s discussed her personal interview of Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman. She noted that the use of closed captioning which was required to aide his interview with Burns was immediately contradicted and framed as speculative by the network. This was following the report’s debut on NBC News’s nightly evening news.

The scathing report by Burns, an employee of NBC News for over six years, went unsupported by the network after she conducted an interview with the Pennsylvania Democrat, which highlighted Fetterman’s need for closed captioning to understand the questions Burns asked. In his present cognitive state clarity is required via the close captioning because his stroke back in May has left him, still struggle with auditory processing five months later.

According to Burns, the Fetterman interview, revealed that the candidate’s first live, in-person interview was with Burns and not over a remote video conference. Fetterman could use the crutch without much notice during remote interviews with reporters, but the Burns interview was live. Burns justified her report stating-

“We can only report our own [interview],”… “According to the campaign itself, our team was the first to be in the room with Fetterman for an interview rather than via remote video conference.” “Myself, my producer, and our crew did find that small talk before that captioning was difficult because of the auditory processing issues I mentioned,”

Dasha Burns, NBC News Journalist

Burns added her entire interview team noticed that without closed captaining, Fetterman was unable properly process the conversation. Adding-

“Now stroke experts do say that this does not mean he has any cognitive impairment, doesn’t mean his memory or cognition is impaired and he can fully recover and fully recover from this,” continuing… “And once the closed captioning was on, he was able to fully answer questions throughout that 25-minute interview, which we publish in full online later today.”

-Dasha Burns, NBC News Journalist

After her report, all hell broke loose in an effort to discredit the reported content of her interview with Fetterman.

After the report’s debut on NBC News’s nightly evening news, host Guthrie’s follow-up question cast doubt on Burns’s reporting by suggesting her interview experience was an outlier among many others with the candidate. Guthrie then added-

“Since then, other journalists who also dealt with Fetterman came forward and said they had a different experience,”

-Savannah Guthrie, NBC Nightly News Host

Remember the truth is however that as Burns stated above (confirmed by the Fetterman Campaign), this was his FIRST IN PERSON interview of the campaign.

Continuing to come to Fetterman’s aide, at the expense of Burns and the truth, the night prior, MSNBC hosted Fetterman on “The Last Word” With Lawrence O’Donnell in the 10 PM hour. O’Donnell prefaced his interview of Fetterman, by comparing the Senate candidate to former President Franklin Roosevelt in a wheelchair. His patronizing language described how FDR (an apparently handicapped man) was re-elected four times and “brought the country out of the worst economic depression in our history”.

The idea that Fetterman could be equated with FDR and therefore should be elected was ridiculous. The truth is apparently worth covering up, to get what the Democrats want and that’s seats they can keep or steal. It’s not about the facts, lets work on emoting compassion and empathy for the stroke victim. Fetterman needs time to heal not pity.

It’s not about the fact that the man is not well and needs more time to heal, but rather the lie, that he is fit for the post - because he needs to cognitively struggle a little. What a warped sense of responsibility. Remarkably, During O’Donnell’s interview, Fetterman’s eyes looked away from the camera to seemingly read closed-captioning on a device to the lower right. The same visual pattern of Fetterman’s eyes appearing to read closed-captioning was visible in the Burns interview. The truth is right in front of them all.

Here are some additional blind critics and truth naysayers:

Kara Swisher, a contributing editor at New York, scolded Burns’ reporting as false-

 “nonsense.”…“Sorry to say but I talked to John Fetterman for over an hour without stop or any aides and this is just nonsense. Maybe this reporter is just bad at small talk,”

- Kara Swisher, Contributing Editor, New York

Adam Rogers with Business Insider slammed Burns for making up a storyline, he said last week in Murrysville during a volunteer kickoff event.

“Any news outlets genuinely wondering about his health could send a health/medicine reporter,” he said. “Maybe don’t just invent a storyline.” …“We knew that was gonna be a tight race,”

-Adam Rogers, Business Insider

Throughout the Senate campaign, the recovering Fetterman has made numerous gaffes, yet has defended his mental health and inability to properly function as a potential senator by attacking Oz. Talking to MSNBC’s Joy Reid last week, Fetterman said-

 “Oz lies about my health…That’s the real here,”… “Dr. Oz also has a very very big difference in what really matters here as Democrats here in Pennsylvania too,”

- John Fetterman, Pennsylvania Democrat Senate Candidate

Spokesman Jonathan Turcotte, National Republican Senatorial Committee, reportedly told Breitbart News last week that, Fetterman refuses to tell the truth and release his medical records. He reportedly said-

“Fetterman continues to mislead voters about his health. He should be transparent for once and release his medical records immediately.”

-Jonathan Turcotte, National Republican Senatorial Committee

Again, the truth is there for all the world to see. The Democratic party is so desperate, they must support dementia in the White House, and now they are fighting to see a lack of cognitive reasoning, in the Senate. Horrific!

America needs all the sound thinking, rational and reasoning leaders, it can find at this point. We need to look at the truth for what it is, not push an agenda on the backs of the diseased aged and recovering infirmed. What is even more sad, is that neither Biden nor Fetterman, can admit their own failings, leaving America to decide whether the state of the nation can be left to the care of either.

What a truly frightening thought.

“Great leaders know when to step aside”

-Tara Jaye Frank
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