Mark Zuckerberg Claims His Foundation Won’t Meddle In Next Election After Backlash

 April 14, 2022

Mark Zuckerberg is the much younger version of George Soros. They seem to have a lot in common. Both meddle with US government processes, both hide what they do (or try to) and both effectively buy votes/or try to with their billions. Both are absorbed with control. It’s reprehensible.

Zuckerberg is back in the news trying to convince America, whose citizenry made him rich with   Facebook, that he will not meddle in the 2022 elections like he did in 2020, when he and wife Priscilla Chan notoriously poured hundreds of millions of “Zuckerbucks” into getting out the vote in Democrat-leaning areas.

His nonprofit, Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) that distributed most of the $350 million in donations in 2020 reportedly said Monday that it won’t disburse similar donations this year.  This is supposedly due to the backlash from conservatives suspicious that the contributions tilted the outcome of the presidential race toward Joe Biden.

Further, conservatives also accused the tech mogul’s social media platform of censoring right-wing voices as part of its campaign against misinformation. Censorship is a clear first amendment matter and as a media mogul Zuckerberg walks a fine line.

So, now America is supposed to buy into Zuckerberg’s newest claims. Anyone who throws their millions around to stack the deck in a political race should be investigated and give an account of how these funds were formally used. Could it be that Zuckerberg got caught in 2020 and knows legislators are watching him closely at this point and he would like to avoid legal and possibly antitrust investigations by the Federal Trade Commission complete with any legislative proposals that might seek to restrict how Facebook operates? As a media mogul he walks a fine line.

Now the Associated Press is reporting that the CTCL will be devoting $80 million to a five-year initiative called the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, which allows local election officials to apply for financial assistance to improve election processes. Perhaps they mean election outcomes.

Non-profit or not, Zuckerberg remains just another billionaire throwing his cash and influence around. Hopefully, those in congress will keep a watchful eye on the CTCL and the Zuckerbergs. America needs to be alert to them and their influence pedaling non-profit entity. Trust is something earned and those whose goal is to subvert the US election process have rather earned America’s distrust.

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