LA School Promotes Abortion To Teens Without Parental Consent

 May 9, 2022

It's no secret that schools are often used as a tool by the government to push their agenda. But a recent discovery has shocked parents across the country: Van Nuys High School, part of the Los Angeles Unified School District in California, promotes organizations on their website that provides abortion resources to teens, even pointing out that students don’t need parental permission for the lethal procedure. They are using the ability of modern technology to influence our nations children.

With virtually all teenagers having access to the internet, an organization called Sex, Etc, alongside many other internet resource links are found listed on the Van Nuys High School LGBTQ Resources page. Sex, Etc, lists abortions as the first option for students if they become pregnant. Specifically stating that the fetus has to be born to be called a baby. As if using the teens adolescence and ignorance against them to help them feel better about their decision to terminate the pregnancy. Since there is a cell phone in every teenagers hand, this is one of the strategies used to influence our future generations. Its deplorable.

In addition, the School sponsored website, gives students all the information they need to talk to the National Abortion Federation Hotline. Giving teenagers assistance if they require financial support for an abortion. Also reminding teens through California law, the site explains, that “Teens are not required to ask their parent or guardian for permission for an abortion.” Following up with where to find the nearest Planned Parenthood. They are intentionally keeping parent's in the dark like they are the enemy.

Since children have to attend school under the compulsory education law, they are susceptible to whatever agenda is presented while their parents are not present. They are purposely undermining the parents. This is a clear violation of parental rights and raises serious questions about what else schools are promoting without parents knowing.

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