Judge Strikes Down Title 42 Leaves Border Open

 November 17, 2022

Using the Title 42 anti-disease barrier rule, to exclude wage-cutting economic migrants from entering the United States, a far-left Democrat-nominated judge, has unveiled a decision ordering the U.S. border agency to cease its’ enforcement.

In overseeing an ACLU lawsuit, the decision was approved by Judge Emmet Sullivan. Unveiled a week after Election Day, this judgement immediately and effectively, bars the Department of Homeland Security from enforcing the Title 42 anti-disease barrier at the border.

Established by former President Donald Trump, the rule was, and remains the only effective legal barrier, to stop millions of poor migrants, from gambling their lives and savings, to get jobs and homes in the United States.

Effectively, once illegal migrants cross the border, they are released into the country, and these migrants are allowed to enter a tangled, complex immigration system that prevents their deportation for several years. Despite laws requiring the detention of asylum seekers, Biden’s deputies release nearly all of them. This catch-and-release policy gives migrants plenty of time to pay off their smuggling debts, summon more home-country migrants, have U.S.- citizen children, and hide from the nation’s deportation agency.

With regard to Sullivan’s decision, The Federation for American Immigration Reform commented-

“This decision — which takes effect immediately — knocks down one of the last remaining barriers to complete anarchy at the border,” …“If the Biden administration does not appeal, it will be one of the most egregious derelictions of duty when it comes to border security, once again proving that the crisis is deliberate and something they never intend to fix.”

-The Federation for American Immigration Reform

Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott and possibly The White House, may appeal the judgment to other judges and eventually to Justice John Roberts on the Supreme Court.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the nation’s pro-migration border chief, has already been reducing the use of the Title 42 barrier since he took over the nation’s borders in February 2021. For example, in October, 277,500 people arrived at the border, but Mayorkas excluded just one-third ( 81,500 ) under Title 42.

Almost 2.7 million migrants were registered while crossing the border, in the 12 months before October 2022,

Essentially, Mayorkas declined to use the Title 42 legal barrier to exclude 1.66 million, of those migrants from the United States.

The cost of this elite-backed, multi-decade inflow of illegal migrants and legal migrants has seen significant imposition, on Americans, by pressuring down their wages. Further, it has raised housing prices, boosted rents, and reduced ordinary, native-born Americans’ clout in local and national elections. The significant inflow has also pushed many native-born Americans, out of careers in a wide variety of fields, and is responsible for the spike the number of “Deaths of Despair.”

An unseen cost of the border welcome, offered by Mayorkas and Biden, has also been the thousands of job-seeking migrants killed, both at the U.S.- Mexico border, and further south, especially in the Panamanian jungle.

It is said that Democrats are working with the GOP’s business wing, to pressure the rest of the GOP into approving another citizenship-diluting amnesty program and more wage-cutting migration. With this new Congress, however, under the control of House Republicans, it remains to be seen how immigration reform will be approached. The invasion of our U.S. Southern Border needs seriously addressed.

“Going forward, as we work to strengthen our border in the interests of homeland security, we must also recognize the economic importance of immigration reform.”

-Dave Reichert
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