Joe Biden Likely To Get COVID From Infected Democrats Who've Tested Positive

 April 10, 2022

The stage was set on Friday by the White House for President Joe Biden to contract the coronavirus, acknowledging it as a strong possibility.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing on Friday, “Like anyone else, the President may at some point test positive for COVID.” What a convenient statement for her to make at this point. For months now, theories have abounded placing Joe Biden as incapacitated to serve out his term as president. Now we are actually seeing the stage set for him to contract COVID.

Psaki further added “Despite all the precautions we take and even with the president being double boosted, he could still test positive for COVID,” declaring  “[T]hat is a possibility and we want to be transparent with the American public about that.” What did they expect would happen with Biden’s close contacts repeatedly testing positive?

Though he has received four shots of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, and continues to follow precautions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he has literally hosted indoor events at the White House, hugged known COVID Positive members of Congress such House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and spent time closely among others who have tested positive from those events. This has all happened while Biden has not worn a mask in public at the White House. Who is in charge of Biden’s COVID detail?

According to Jen Psaki, “We risk assess just like everybody out in the country and it’s important for him to be able to continue to do his presidential duties, now and even if he tests positive for the future, declining to to say when Biden would be tested again for the virus. She also stated that Biden’s physician would make that call, offering that “We will provide the information to you when he tests negative… or either way of course.” 

For some reason the White house is not at all concerned with Biden hosting of over a hundred people at the White House to celebrate the confirmation of the president’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson making the excuse that it was outside. Apparently, no one seemingly gave any consideration to the stated highly transmissible character of this virus. Literally, it would seem as though no one cares at this point whether Biden contracts this life-threatening disease or not. Hmm…wonder why?

What used to be a point of panic is now a non-issue. Even Vice President Harris is out there hugging the newly elected Supreme Court Justice with little to no personal restraint. Why does no one really care suddenly? The question bares real consideration.

Could it be they are all just oblivious to the stated dangers of contracting COVID for themselves let alone the president, or is this just one big catch COVID party with the real target being Joe Biden?

The whole situation appears like the perfect cover up if he does take ill with the disease, in that, it would be very hard to blame any one person in the Democratic party for Biden’s illness, incapacitation, or even death from the disease. This sounds strangely like plot development for a movie.

Americans old and young alike are being forced to consider their actions, with ongoing social distancing and mask mandates in places nationwide – for the “benefit of all”, the democratic herd mentality mantra. Yet the rule makers are partying at the White House as if there is nothing to be considered. Since the outcome of Biden contracting the disease might certainly prove grave, America would do well to keep an eye on the president’s developing health issues in the days ahead.

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