IRS Investigation Into Hunter Biden Requests Subpoena For Bank Records

 January 31, 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a subpoena to JPMorgan in it's ongoing investigation of Hunter and James Biden (Joe Biden's brother). The investigation being conducted is looking into ties between the Biden family and the Bank of China.

Obviously this is not the first time Hunter Biden, or ANY of the Biden family has been caught up in legal trouble. Rather, the liberal media machine has ensured that the prior shady deals have remained in the dark.

For example, Hunter Biden was discharged from the US Navy after testing positive for cocaine. In addition, Hunter has been involved in a series of shady business deals, most notably his work with Burisma Holdings - a Ukrainian energy company. While Hunter Biden did not have an official role at the company, he was still paid $83,000 per month to sit on the company's board.

This latest development in the Hunter Biden saga is particularly significant, as it suggests that federal prosecutors are taking the investigation seriously. The subpoena specifically asks for records from JPMorgan Chase - a bank with which both Hunter and James Biden have had extensive financial dealings.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Hunter Biden or any of his family members will be brought to justice. Seeing as how the mainstream media turns a blind eye to the Biden's shadiness, this is unlikely.

Just think about how differently this situation would be handled if it had occurred during President Trump's presidency to one of his sons...

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