Hunter Biden Scrutinized By Justice Department Who May Charge Him For Tax, Gun Violations

 July 21, 2022

As the probe into President Joe Biden’s son comes to a head, reportedly Hunter Biden could be charged by the Justice Department for tax violations and lying to law enforcement about illegally purchasing a firearm.

Wednesday, according to CNN, U.S. prosecutor David Weiss is considering whether to charge Hunter for-

“making a false statement in connection with Biden’s purchase of a firearm at a time he would have been prohibited from doing so because of his acknowledged struggles with drug addiction,” CNN reported.

- David Weiss, U.S. Prosecutor

According to paperwork, Hunter submitted when purchasing a handgun in 2018, he did not disclose his then drug addition, essentially obtaining the hand gun illegally. Reportedly, Hunter’s sister-in-law, with whom he had an affair, was said to have taken his gun and disposed of it. In revealed text messages, it seems the Secret Service, the FBI, and state law enforcement in all probability became involved, but without consequences for Hunter.

In the ongoing probe, apparently for years now, and debated for months among Justice Department officials, also centers on the Biden family’s foreign business schemes while Joe Biden was vice president. In focus, during those years, is the fact that according to Hunter’s “laptop from hell”, it was revealed that Hunter routinely met with Joe Biden about 30 times at either the White House or the vice president’s residences at the Naval Observatory.

The Justice Department, as well as reportedly the FBI and IRS Criminal Investigation agency have been a part of these deliberations.

According to CNN, apparently, prosecutor Weiss is studying whether Hunter and his associates-

 “violated money laundering, campaign finance, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as whether Hunter Biden broke federal firearm and other regulations,”

- David Weiss, U.S. Prosecutor

The probe could also include, Hunters business dealings with Ukrainian Energy company Burisma Holdings, a Chinese energy conglomerate, and may well implicate his father, the then Vice President, as well as other family members.

Most Americans, believe the Biden family’s corrupt business practices are more than troubling, according to a Rasmussen poll on Thursday. It reported that, at least sixty-nine percent of voters say Joe Biden is aware of “at least some” of Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals, while another sixty-two percent, say it is likely that Joe Biden-

“personally profited from deals with Chinese-government connected companies.”

-Rasmussen Report

According to the New York Times, Hunter has been, hoping to settle the investigation without criminal or civil charges.

Additionally, Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, has promised not to interfere with the probe. Garland said of Weiss

“He is supervising the investigation and I’m not at liberty to talk about internal Justice Department deliberations, but he is in charge of that investigation,”

- Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Legal experts claim that a special counsel is needed, because Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by Hunter and could possibly have influenced the ongoing investigation. A special council would effectively provide distance between Biden’s administration and the probe. However, Garland has refused to say whether a special counsel should be placed over the investigation.

A federal grand jury indictment against Hunter in an investigation that may end up including other members of the Biden family, such as Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, and potentially the president himself – is a prospect Weiss will have to strongly consider. Essentially, it amounts to the evidence Weiss has accumulated. Though the president is not under the microscope of the probe at this point, some evidence shows Joe Biden has been involved in his the family business schemes 13 times.

“The American people do not want people thumbing their nose at the law. It undercuts the very fabric of our society and the system of civil justice and of criminal justice as well.”

-Ernest Istook
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