GOP Senator Issues Harsh Warning On “One Of The Biggest Health Epidemics” Facing US

 September 29, 2022

On Wednesday, Senator Roger Marshall, R-Kan., explains the Biden administration’s failure to really reduce the cost of U.S. prescriptions drugs, disabling needed research into health areas such as Alzheimer’s, and then goes on to describe the horrors of the fentanyl epidemic that is now nationwide, and why we need to label drug cartels as terrorists. Marshall talks about a minimum of 20 states, where Fentanyl has already been found as a look-alike for candy, describing further that likely smelling it, and touching it, can kill you.

One commentator remarked that, what used to be a real danger at one time, was razor blades or pins in apples, adding now it’s Fentanyl. Marshall goes on to warn that this attack on America’s children, needs addressed by closing the southern border, because currently, with ample access by the cartels, they are able to bring this harmful drug over the border, to target to our Nations children.

The panelists go on to discuss a warning, sent out from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. Addressing parents, regarding the upcoming Halloween Holiday, and the fentanyl drugs that are now disguised as candy, the warning read-

“Nationwide, law-enforcement agencies are finding more illegal substances disguised candy… With Halloween right around the corner, parents…need to be even more vigilant about what candy their children have in their possession… Parents, please keep an eye on your children’s candy and… if you think your child may have ingested something they shouldn’t have, call 911 immediately.”

-Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Florida

The panel goes on to discuss how parents need to be very vigilant, about what is happening around this Fentanyl disguised as candy, and do their best to educate their children, as to the severe risks of taking this or any other illicit drug, adding that they need to be aware of candy offered to them by any stranger.

That Joe Biden continues to allow this nations’ children to be directly attacked in this way, shows his careless neglect of America’s future and a disregard for his hand in this Fentanyl distribution - through his open border policies.

“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.”

-Nelson Mandela
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