France deploying 7,000 soldiers in the wake of several terrorist attacks

 October 14, 2023

France has taken a decisive step by deploying 7,000 soldiers nationwide after a tragic school attack, suspected to be the work of an Islamist radical.

Breitbart News reported that France has decided to enhance its security measures in response to a suspected Islamist attack that many suspect was encouraged by the terrorist attack on Israel. A teacher tragically lost his life, and three others were injured in this incident.

Details of the tragic school attack

The attack took place at the Gambetta-Carnot school in Arras, a city in northern France. The assailant, a former student of the school, is believed to have ties to Islamic radicalization. This incident has left the nation in shock, especially considering the global tensions arising from the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Counter terrorism authorities have taken charge of the investigation. The suspected attacker, along with several others, is currently in custody. Recent findings reveal that the suspect hails from the Ingushetia region in Russia, contrary to initial reports that identified him as Chechen.

President Emmanuel Macron has responded swiftly to the situation. He has ordered the deployment of up to 7,000 soldiers across the country by Monday night. This "attack emergency" stance empowers the government to use the military to safeguard public spaces and other vital areas.

Uncertainty surrounding the attacker's motive

The exact reason behind the attack remains a mystery. The assailant has chosen to remain silent, offering no insights to the investigators. However, the atmosphere at the school on Saturday was one of unity and support. Despite the cancellation of classes, many students, parents, and staff members returned to the school, showcasing their resilience against extremism.

One mother, Emily Noge, expressed her concerns about her children, who had witnessed the horrifying event. She mentioned the challenges faced by the young minds in differentiating between a drill and a real-life threat.

Such incidents are not new to France. The nation still remembers the brutal killing of teacher Samuel Paty three years ago. He was beheaded by a radicalized individual in a similar act of terror.

Intelligence insights and heightened security

The suspect in the recent attack had been on the radar of French intelligence agencies since the summer. They had been monitoring him due to suspicions of Islamic radicalization. Interestingly, he was detained for questioning just a day before the attack. However, no evidence suggesting his involvement in planning an attack was found at that time.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin highlighted a potential link between the ongoing war in the Middle East and the suspect's decision to carry out the attack. He also revealed that 12 individuals were detained near schools or places of worship following the Hamas attack on Israel. Some of these individuals were armed and possibly planning to act.

Furthermore, the counter terrorism prosecutor stated that the attacker repeatedly shouted "Allahu akbar" during the assault. They are contemplating pressing charges of terrorism-related murder and attempted murder against him.

Victims of the attack and national unity

The educator who lost his life was identified as Dominique Bernard, a French language teacher at the Gambetta-Carnot school. Another teacher and a security guard are in critical condition, while a cleaning worker also sustained injuries.

President Macron, while announcing the reopening of the school, urged the citizens of France to remain united. He emphasized the importance of education in the fight against ignorance and extremism.

For more updates on this story, you can follow Breitbart London on Facebook.


  • France is deploying 7,000 soldiers in response to a suspected Islamist attack.
  • The attack occurred at the Gambetta-Carnot school in Arras, resulting in one fatality and three injuries.
  • President Macron has urged the nation to stay united and emphasized the significance of education.

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