Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Maloney Concedes Historic House Loss

 November 9, 2022

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) competed against Republican nominee Mike Lawler, to represent New York's 17th Congressional District. On Wednesday, Maloney conceded, in a historic House loss. Maloney, at a press conference, said that he called Republican candidate Mike Lawler and congratulated him on a "good win" in New York's 17th Congressional District.

According to the Cook Political Report, Maloney's loss is the first by a sitting House campaign committee chair since 1992.

The two candidates had sparred on issues, during an Oct. 12th debate, ranging from the economy to abortion. Lawler attacked the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which Maloney supported, and promised to vote to cut back on government spending. Maloney, essentially doubled down on his support for the bill (IRA), citing its prescription drug price caps and Medicare provisions.

Additionally, Lawler stated his opposition to a national abortion ban, expressing that while he is pro-life, he believes in specific exceptions for incest, rape and life of the mother. On the other hand, Maloney, strongly pro-choice, co-sponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022, which sought to codify, and even expand a right to abortion as protected under the Supreme Court's precedent in Roe v. Wade, which has now been overturned.

At present, Maloney, has been a member of Congress since 2012, and sought re-election this fall in hopes of maintaining his seat in New York's 17th Congressional District against Lawler. Beating Maloney, NY Republican Mike Lawler snatched the House seat, because according to Lawler, ‘people wanted change’, explaining that redistricting gave him the ‘opportunity’ to win. Lawler currently serves in the New York State Assembly and is a partner at Checkmate Strategies, a communications and campaign consulting firm.

This political upset is one of many that have been wrought upon the Democratic party, this midterm election. Hopefully, as the pending votes are finalized, there will be, a willingness between opponents to work together now for the common good. Collectively, as a nation we must seek how to determine, the best wisdom in moving forward.

“It may be assumed as an axiom that Providence has never gifted any political party with all of political wisdom or blinded it with all of political folly.”

-John George Nicolay
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