Biden, With Mic Running, Tells Salvation Army Official, He Spent Time with Secret Service in Poland, Ukraine

 January 10, 2023

Occurring, on Sunday, while visiting the El Paso County Migrant Services Center, Biden spoke to a Salvation Army official during his inspection of the facility. The video shows Biden walking up to the official and relaying that he and the Secret Service visited Poland and Ukraine. The hot microphone comments were unearthed by the Republican National Committee’s research team. While Further comments by the president were inaudible, apparently, he was said to claim-

“…I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and in Ukraine...”

-President Joe Biden

Apparently confusing his introduction to the Salvation Army official, with the Secret Service, Biden appears to be trying to make few points with this individual. That can be the only reason for why he felt it to his advantage to speak to a Salvation Army official, about his overseas trips with the Secret Service. Biden had just previously inspected the southern border wall that separated the United States from Juarez, Mexico, according to the Hill. Reportedly, when it was mentioned, the White House refused to comment or provide clarity regarding his comments

By way of a few facts, and noting that Biden’s history with Ukraine is lengthy-

  • 2014-2017, Joe’s son, Hunter Biden was paid $83,000 per month, to be on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, who (without experience with the energy sector or Ukraine) appointed him to their board.
  • In 2015, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma. They did so and Joe eventually boasted about the power play.
  • His sixth visit in four years, according to the Los Angeles Times, then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine to deliver a farewell address in 2017, four days before former President Donald Trump assumed the Oval Office.
  • Biden traveled to Poland and visited the 82nd Airborne Division just after the Ukrainian war began, in March of 2022. He did not visit Ukraine in 2022, despite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s request.

Sure, to have their own spin to put on Biden’s comments, the White House will likely laugh it off, underplaying the significance of Biden’s quite out of step comments, and deflect to the whole southern border trip as a historic success. This is yet one more circumstance that requires the review of the House Oversight Committee – they certainly have their work cut out for them. Perhaps if Biden was not so cognitively deprived, he would not continue to draw attention to himself and his political connections that have painted him in a most compromising light.

“Guard your roving thoughts with a jealous care, for speech is but the dealer of thoughts, and every fool can plainly read in your words what is the hour of your thoughts.”

-Alfred Lord Tennyson
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