Biden Lawlessly Considers ID Cards For Illegal Immigrants Released Into U.S. 

 July 26, 2022

With the goal of making it easier to securing public benefits, once they are released into the U.S. interior, last week Axios reported that Biden is considering issuing government IDs to illegal aliens, once they arrived at the United States-Mexico border. This is lawlessness and defies logic.

Joe Biden and his administrative puppeteers have finally gone over the edge. Instead of protecting our borders as Biden is charged by law to do, he has managed to do just the opposite, with no consequences and now they/he want to give illegals government ID cards and just add them to American communities. Again, where is the enforcement of our law? It is non-existent at the White House. This is SO disgusting!

In a report by axios reporter Stef Kight, she highlights some of the points being considered:

  • According to two government sources familiar with the planning, the Biden administration plans to test providing temporary I.D. cards to unauthorized immigrants, awaiting a final decision on their cases.
  • Before a potential Republican takeover in November, the administration is hoping to get needed Congressional approval, before the end of September to roll out a pilot.
  • To allow unauthorized immigrants to more easily travel by plane, these ID’s could be presented to TSA agents or even used to access certain state benefit programs.

Transforming the southern border into a mere checkpoint, for border crossers and illegal aliens, where they can be stopped, briefly detained, and then released into American communities, a program such as this, would be a massive boost to the Biden administration’s plans to just absorb any an all illegals into the U.S..

Biden has released over a million border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior, from February 2021 to May 2022 alone. This is twice as large as the population of Austin, Texas and about twice the population of the state of Wyoming.

What an insult to those legal immigrants who waited in a virtual line, and paid thousands to get into this country, on a LEGAL basis. How hard it must be for them to see the freedoms given to these illegals and the priority that they seemingly have from the Biden administration – it’s a slap in the face.

Moreover, what about the communities these people are just being freely released into, the cost they must bear, the economic difficulties they face in housing, and even the loss of jobs to these illegal migrants. It is such an injustice all the way around. Joe Biden and his administration have a lot to answer for – November is coming and not too soon.

As one astute blogger put it -

“We need an immigration policy of ZERO. No immigrants, no refugees. Zero immigration. We need front and center legislation to increase ICE from the absurd 5,000 Removal Agents to 200,000. We need C-17 Globemaster jets transformed into double deck seating for 1,200. We need refugee camps in Honduras (largest US foreign military base in this hemisphere already), El Salvador and Guatemala. These camps must be huge, like small cities.

Once outside the USA in those camps the Pentagon can be directly in charge of further transport and "nation building" for those deported. The Pentagon can create new nations in this hemisphere and if needed Africa for the at least 50 million who do not belong here.”

-Day of the Pillow, Breitbart Blogger

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

-Martin Luther King Jr.
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