Biden Campaign Co-Chair Puzzled By Declining Latino Support

 June 23, 2024

In a surprising admission, Mitch Landrieu, co-chairman of President Biden's re-election campaign, expressed uncertainty about the erosion of Latino voter support.

The New York Post reported that during a revealing interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mitch Landrieu delved into the declining support among Latino voters for President Biden, a concern manifesting in recent polls. This issue is particularly poignant as the 2024 election approaches, where the Latino demographic plays a crucial role in key battleground states.

Landrieu's comments come in the wake of a poll conducted by Equis, which surveyed 1,592 Latino voters across crucial battleground states.

The results were somewhat alarming for the Democratic campaign: 41% of Latino respondents indicated they trusted Donald Trump over Biden on key issues like immigration, a domain historically dominated by Democrats.

Latino Voters Shifting Allegiance in Political Landscape

In the 2020 Presidential elections, exit polls showed Biden leading with 65% of the Hispanic vote compared to Trump’s 32%. However, recent surveys suggest a shift in this loyalty. Many Latinos feel let down by unmet promises, particularly regarding a pathway to citizenship, an issue they expected Biden to address more aggressively.

Adding complexity to Biden’s campaign concerns is the potential influence of independent candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who some fear could divert Latino votes away from Biden.

This worry is supported by a Voto Latino survey of 2,000 registered Latino voters in swing states, showing Biden leading Trump 59% to 39%. However, the introduction of third-party candidates into the poll scenario dropped Biden’s lead substantially, underscoring the fragile nature of his support base.

Several other demographic groups, including black and younger voters, have also shown diminishing enthusiasm for Biden, according to Democratic insiders.

This broader waning of support comes amid heightened scrutiny of Biden's handling of the ongoing border crisis and his immigration policies. Landrieu pointed to congressional inaction as a significant impediment to Biden’s first-day promise of comprehensive immigration reform.

The upcoming national debate, hosted earlier in the campaign cycle by CNN, is seen as a critical juncture for Biden. This event will test his public perception and ability to engage with both his Republican contender, Donald Trump, and the broader electorate concerning his age and capability.

At the potential end of his second term, Biden would be 86, stirring debates about his fitness for the presidency.

Strategies and Statements from the Campaign Trail

Addressing questions about Biden’s cognitive abilities, Landrieu adamantly supported the President, affirming his mental fitness and dismissing concerns as mere political tactics by opponents.

His defense of Biden underscores a deep-seated belief in the President’s capacity to lead despite prevailing criticisms.

Landrieu also took a direct jab at Donald Trump, predicting his behavior in the upcoming debate and labeling him a "twice impeached felon." This harsh rhetoric reflects the heightened stakes and tension surrounding the electoral contest. "Who knows what Donald Trump is going to do at any minute or any time?" Landrieu posed, emphasizing the unpredictable nature of Trump's public appearances.

Landrieu candidly noted the high-risk nature of political campaigns where every move could tip the scales.

His remarks about the campaign being inherently close underscore the precarious balance teams must maintain to secure electoral victory. "Everything that we do is high-risk. I mean, every campaign that you have is going to be close, so everything that you do has to work," he explained, highlighting the no-margin-for-error reality of modern political races.


As the campaign progresses, the Biden team faces a critical challenge in consolidating its base while reaching out to disillusioned voters.

The coming months will reveal whether the strategies employed by Landrieu and his team can reverse the slipping tides and secure Latino support once more.

The dynamic landscape of political loyalty among Latino voters, coupled with strategic errors and demographic challenges, sets a complex stage for Biden’s re-election campaign. While Landrieau offers several justifications and strategic insights, the ultimate test will occur in the polling booths—a moment of truth awaiting the Biden campaign in the forthcoming elections.

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