Alec Baldwin is being recharged for fatal shooting on movie set

 October 18, 2023

Alec Baldwin isn’t out of the woods yet as he is being recharged for “Rust” shooting.

Breitbart reported that almost two years after the tragic incident on the set of "Rust," Alec Baldwin might face new charges. This development comes as New Mexico prosecutors are considering presenting fresh evidence to a grand jury.

New evidence prompts reconsideration of charges

This recent turn of events is surprising, especially after the involuntary manslaughter case against Baldwin was dropped earlier this year. However, the prosecutors have revealed that "additional facts have come to light" after their thorough investigation in the past months.

The specifics of these new charges remain undisclosed. Yet, it's known that the gun responsible for the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins underwent further analysis, as mentioned in a report by the New York Times.

It's worth noting that director Joel Souza was also injured when the gun Baldwin held discharged during a rehearsal.

Prosecutor's statement on the case

Special prosecutors Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis released a statement, as reported by Deadline. They expressed, "After extensive investigation over the past several months, additional facts have come to light that we believe show Mr. Baldwin has criminal culpability in the death of Halyna Hutchins and the shooting of Joel Souza."

The prosecutors believe that the next step should be to let a panel of New Mexico citizens decide if Baldwin should face a criminal trial.

Reacting to this development, Baldwin's legal team expressed their disappointment. Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro of Quinn Emanuel, representing Baldwin, stated, "It is unfortunate that a terrible tragedy has been turned into this misguided prosecution. We will answer any charges in court."

Updates on the movie "Rust"

Despite the tragic incident, production for "Rust" resumed in Montana this April. Baldwin rejoined the cast to finish the film. However, the release date for this independent western remains unannounced.

Baldwin has consistently stated that the gun discharged involuntarily. Alongside the potential new criminal charges, he also faces several civil lawsuits related to the on-set shooting.

For more insights and updates on this story, readers can follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg or reach out to him directly at

Conclusion and reflections

  • Alec Baldwin might face new charges related to the "Rust" shooting incident.
  • New evidence has emerged, prompting New Mexico prosecutors to reconsider the case.
  • The gun used in the shooting underwent further analysis.
  • Director Joel Souza was also injured in the incident.
  • Special prosecutors believe Baldwin has criminal culpability in the incident.
  • Baldwin's lawyers are ready to answer any charges in court.
  • "Rust" resumed production in Montana in April.
  • Baldwin faces several civil lawsuits related to the shooting.

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