Activist Warns Of “Serious Backlash” Unless California Offers $800,000 Each In Reparations

 December 18, 2022

According to the UK Daily Mail, Deon D. Jenkins, a self-described “grassroots hip hop organizer for reparations,” testified at a hearing in Oakland, that $800,000 was the appropriate amount of compensation required, based on the average home price in the state. A former, seemingly less than popular, candidate for the U.S. Senate in the 2022 statewide primary election, Jenkins won nearly 7,000 votes or approximately 0.1%.

As an activist and former political candidate, Jenkins further warned a California state committee on reparations for slavery this week, that there will be a “serious backlash”, unless the state agrees to pay this sum to every eligible recipient. He then added that unless the panel complied with his recommendations, there would be repercussions.

In 2020, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the eruption of Black Lives Matter protests and riots, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), signed a law creating the present reparations committee. However, hopefully it was never a guarantee of anything beyond a review the matter.

Now, considering the possibility of providing $233,000 in reparations per eligible resident, the panel is in ongoing discussions. However, limiting eligibility to those black residents who are descendants of former slaves, is a dynamic that may be hard to assess and even further ludicrous to seek funding for. This is because California was never a slave state itself. Admitted to the Union in 1850, as a free state, it would not have supported slavery and those residents who are descendants of slaves, would have come from other states, making California reparations a non-California event.

Why should California tax-payers assume responsibility for those “eligible residents” transferred from elsewhere? It seems like a political move to get national attention, by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), in the hope that if California pays reparations in any amount, that it will inspire the federal government to do the same. What a snowballing nightmare.

If life in America is so difficult for these persons of color, there are other forms of assistance besides reparations, which in some way assumes ‘fault’ for something - going back for generations, that most people have had little to do with. It is demonstrated racism at its finest – with financial gain the object.

Sadly, the California panel has stated that reparations are to be compensation for, among other things, “mass incarceration”. Where is that a documented issue in California history? And heading back to the racist days of segregation, the panel also appears to want to recommended separate schools for black children. Why and for what purpose? To isolate them for the purpose of giving them a better education than children of any other color or ethnic background?

Do they not realize the identity crisis, they are subjecting these students to – or is that their tact? Next year, will bring to light the final recommendations of this panel, which the California’s state legislature will be forced to consider.

It will be interesting to see how California’s elected officials actually respond to these recommendations, and moreover, how California tax-payers will react to the panel’s assessment. California is already in deep hock, for all the services they now provide to illegal migrants, vacation abortion seekers and countless other social programs that are already bankrupting the state. This panels’ suggestions and whatever outcome prevails, will also declare just how racist California, for all their causal acceptance of just about literally - everything, really is.

“The spendthrift robs his heirs - the miser robs himself.”

-Jean de la Bruyere
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