According to Recent Poll Average, Democrats Inch Ahead of GOP On Generic Congressional Ballot

 August 13, 2022

On August 10, with less than four months to go, from the midterm elections, Democrats have inched ahead of Republicans on FiveThirtyEight’s generic congressional ballot average. Presently the lead is two-tenths of a point.

Updating their generic congressional ballot average, on Wednesday, FiveThirtyEight demonstrated that Democrats have a slight advantage over Republicans. Generic Republicans had an average of 44 percent, while generic Democrats had an average of 44.2 percent. Morning Consult, Rasmussen Reports, Ipsos, Data for Progress, and YouGov, are among the polls that the average from FiveThirtyEight looks represents.

The GOP, now slightly behind the Democrats, are focused on unseating Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) from her Speakership, while taking back the majority, in the House of Representatives. Democrats have had the House since 2018 when is was taken from the Republicans.

After striving to win back the House In 2020, Republicans left the Democrats with a razor slim majority and gave themselves the upper hand in the midterms.

Winning the majority, will require a net gain of only five seats in November for Republicans. In fact, there is a lot at stake in both the House and the Senate. Losing either, for Democrats could mean the Democrat Party and President Biden will have a more difficult time passing their agenda items, before the 2024 presidential election.

Republicans, are still projected to win back a majority between 12 and 35 seats in the House. However, this revelation of the Democrats leading FiveThirtyEight’s generic congressional ballot average is a warning sign for the GOP. Republicans have led the generic ballot, for the majority of the year, especially on the Rasmussen Reports polling where they have led all year.

Seemingly, Republicans have lost their overall edge while some polls, like Morning Consult and YouGov show the Democrats in the lead. Either way, polls can be misleading. What the GOP needs to do is steam ahead full speed, not looking back, and rely on the platform of “America First” which clearly resonates with the majority of Americans, especially those in minority groups at this point.

Blacks and Hispanics are flocking to the GOP in droves. The message just needs to continue to be very straight forward, pointing out the massive economic failures of the Democratic party. The message needs to continue to be inclusive of all Americans, on the freedoms that our nation is struggling to keep – all while the Democratic liberal left press to erode them daily.

America needs to hang tough on issues that are not negotiable, such as our first and second amendment rights, our children’s education versus indoctrination, the soaring economy, poor transparency from the White House and the desperate ongoing need this nation has for the truth, period.

“You can't be scared. You do your thing, you hold your ground, you stand up tall, and whatever happens, happens.”

- Former President Donald Trump
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