WATCH: Police & Widow Of Fallen Officer Outraged After Mayor Dozes at Officer’s Funeral

 October 6, 2022

This episode of Fox & Friends hosts Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Member, Justin Berry who responds after Austin, Texas' Democratic Mayor Steve Adler fell asleep at a police officer's funeral.

In Response, Amber Martin, the officers widow made the following statement-

“I have been trying to be the strong woman Tony would want me to be. But this Mayor Adler, was crushing, my family needed to see him be honored and not disrespected. My husband, their father, who doesn’t get to come home ever again, who doesn’t get to sleep next to me, ever again and doesn’t get to retire in four years from now”…

- Amber Martin, Tony Martins’ Widow

They go on to discuss how this Mayor has worked to defund the police, eliminated stipends and now in disrespect of the officer, falls asleep in his funeral. Berry says he found it “very shocking”.

Adler, in an effort to clean up his mess, sent a letter stating –

“I want to express my deepest apologies to the family of Officer Martin. Officer Martin died 10 days ago and will forever be honored as a hero. This moment should be about him and his family”

- Texas' Democratic Mayor Steve Adler

Berry goes on to note that this “isn’t even a real apology” adding that for him not to call Tony Martins’ widow and talk to her personally, shows “how little, he really cares”. Adding that it demonstrates yet more “empty words” out of this Mayor. They go on to discuss Adlers’ long history of disparaging, demoralizing and disenfranchising officers, whenever he can, starting as far back as in 2017. Berry closed with adding “It’s hard to find polite words for him”.

"The legacy of heroes — the memory of a great name, and the inheritance of a great example." "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” "May we never forget our fallen comrades.”
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