VP Harris Leads In Democrat Primary Poll If Biden Fails To Run

 December 4, 2022

Apparently, according to a Zogby Analytics survey released this week, Vice President Kamala Harris leads in a hypothetical 2024 Democrat Primary matchup, if  Biden doesn’t run. With  a +/- 3.3 percent margin of error, this survey of 859 midterm election voters, who are likely to vote in the Democrat primary race, show Biden is by far the front-runner.

Leading his potential challengers by double digits, at some forty-one percent, Biden clearly is ahead according to the poll. In fact, no other potential candidate came close. With eleven percent support, Harris came in second place, followed by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) each with nine percent.

When Biden is taken out of the equation however, Harris takes a solid lead with thirty-two percent support, which is nineteen percent more than Sanders’ thirteen percent. Buttigieg comes in at third place with ten percent support, followed, in descending order, by California Gov. Gavin Newsom (9.5 percent), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (9.3 percent), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (5.6 percent), and the failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (5.1 percent) who comes in last.

Possibly in line to face off against former President Donald Trump, who formally announced his presidential campaign last month, Biden, is showing no signs of bowing out in 2024. Reportedly Biden told Al Sharpton, in a private conversation, that he plans to seek a second term. Reportedly, Biden said-

“I’m going to do it again,”

-President Joe Biden

That comes despite the fact that, Americans are not eager to see the 80-year-old president seek a second term, according to a recent Politico survey. Just over a quarter believe he should run. Biden is already seeing support from other Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who last month stated she will support Biden if he seeks reelection, deeming him “a great president for our country” who has supposedly “accomplished so much.”

That Harris is in second place, is really not that significant because Biden himself has low ratings. Because they (the Washington elites), want to retain their power – Biden likely will run. That Harris polls at all, is significant in that, she has done ZERO, since taking office, except to meet with a school group of children and talk excitedly, about the benefits of Space Force, and then there’s the fundraiser circuit for the mid-term elections that she attended. She polls in second place because she is already in office, period.

“We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”

-Thomas Jefferson
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