During a lively performance in Seville, Spain, "Gossip Girl" star Taylor Momsen faced an unexpected and harrowing situation when a bat latched onto her leg. The incident has led to a necessary medical treatment involving rabies shots over two weeks.
Breitbart reported that Momsen, while performing with The Pretty Reckless, was shocked when a bat attached itself to her leg.
As Taylor Momsen energetically entertained her audience with her band The Pretty Reckless, the unexpected guest made its appearance.
Initially confused by the crowd’s reactions, Taylor acknowledged their signs and soon realized the gravity of the situation.
“You guys are pointing at something and I don’t know what you’re saying,” Taylor communicated to her audience, searching for an explanation.
It wasn't long before the realization dawned upon her, leading to a burst of surprise and distress, "There’s a flying f–king bat on my leg right now," she exclaimed.
With the bat firmly attached to her leg, Taylor, amidst heightened concern, pleaded for assistance from those nearby, "Can someone HELP me, please?”
Her plea echoed the urgency of the moment as the audience watched in shared alarm.
Several men from the stage quickly intervened, aiding in the careful removal of the bat from her leg. The collective effort brought a brief sigh of relief amidst the chaotic episode.
Despite the initially distressing encounter, Taylor’s spirits rebounded swiftly as she humorously brushed off the incident, joking with the audience about her unexpected interaction with the nocturnal creature. “I must be a witch,” she chuckled, adding, “It’s alright and the bat’s fine. He’s gonna be my new friend,” showcasing her ability to lighten the mood with a touch of humor.
The audience responded warmly to her composure, with shouts of “Muy professional!” echoing through the venue, applauding her ability to handle the situation with grace. Taylor, appreciative of the support, responded with a heartfelt, “Gracias!”
Following the incident, Taylor was treated at a local hospital as a precautionary measure. Social media clips later showed her in a hospital bed displaying a thumbs up, wearing a black face mask, reassuring fans of her well-being.
Given the unpredictability and potential danger of rabies—a severe viral infection that is nearly always fatal if left untreated—the measures taken were both swift and necessary.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends immediate treatment, starting with a dose of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) and a series of four to five vaccines to counteract any possible infection from a rabies-carrying animal.
Taylor’s proactive approach to receiving medical attention reflects an understanding of the gravity of rabies and highlights the importance of immediate care following such unusual wildlife encounters.
In conclusion, Taylor Momsen's unexpected encounter with a bat during her concert in Seville led to an urgent need for rabies shots, earning her praise for handling the situation with characteristic humor and professionalism. The incident, dramatically captured and shared across social media, not only shows Momsen's resilience but also serves as a cautionary tale about unexpected wildlife interactions and the serious health measures they necessitate.