U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, (R) Mont., Responds When Twitter Suspends His Account For Wife Hunting Photo

 February 8, 2023

Standing by the photo of he and his wife hunting, that reportedly got him suspended from Twitter Monday night, Sen. Daines, at #FreeSteveDaines, began to gain popularity among conservatives on social media.


Daines reportedly said in a comment to Fox News regarding  the situation- "My wife is a great shot. What can I say?"

Also, Rachel Dumke, press secretary for Daines, said in a statement to the outlet-

"The Senator thinks it’s preposterous that a picture of him and his wife hunting, an activity that is engrained in the Montana way of life would be against Twitter rules. Our team has reached out to Twitter, and we’ll be working to get this resolved,"

-Rachel Dumke, Senator Daines Press secretary

Daines was literally suspended from the media outlet Monday evening, over a photo of him and his wife next to a Montana antelope, that according to Twitter violated the platform's "rules against graphic violence." The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), which Daines chairs, released a statement blasting the move by Twitter.

NRSC spokesman Philip Letsou, said-

"This is insane. Twitter should immediately reverse this suspension,"

- Philip Letsou, NRSC Spokesman

Saying the platform should not censor individuals just because they don't agree with a post, other members of Congress are speaking out against Twitter's actions. Sen. Ted Cruz, (R) Texas., wrote in a post using the #FreeSteveDaines tag. -

"Ridiculous. My friend @SteveDaines is in @Twitter jail for posting this pic w/ his wife Cindy. If you don’t like hunting, fine, don’t go. But don’t censor others who disagree. And I’m pretty sure this is a formal job responsibility for a senator from Montana!"

- Sen. Ted Cruz, (R) Texas.

Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., chimed in to defend his fellow Montana politician, congratulating the senator's wife on her-

"great shot." Adding …"This is the family photo that got @SteveDaines put in twitter jail. Stop censoring our Montana way of life! Great shot, Cindy!"

-Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont

Twitter's sensitive media policy states that certain images may be subject to removal, but guidelines also state that exceptions to the policy may include "religious sacrifice, food preparation or processing, and hunting." Someone is not reading their own rules. Hopefully, Twitter will get its act together and reinstate Daines without further delay.

“Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.”

-Bruce Coville
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