Trump Calls Biden’s Prisoner Swap for Brittney Griner a “Stupid and Unpatriotic Embarrassment”

 December 9, 2022

Slamming President Biden’s, Brittney Griner prisoner swap, as a “stupid” and “unpatriotic embarrassment,” former President Trump issued his statement on Truth Social. Trump called the swap a bad deal because Biden traded an ex-WNBA basketball star for the notorious Russian arms dealers Viktor Bout, “one of the biggest arms dealers anywhere in the world.” Trump also said the trade was especially grievous, because Griner has been “openly” hateful towards her own nation. He posted-

“What kind of a deal is it to swap Brittney Griner, a basketball player who openly hates our Country, for the man known as ‘The Merchant of Death,’ who is one of the biggest arms dealers anywhere in the World, and responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and horrific injuries,”

-Former President Donald Trump

He also openly questioned why Biden had worked to release Griner without ensuring American prisoner Paul Whelan, formerly arrested in Russia in 2018 and sentenced to 16 years in prison for alleged “espionage.” Whelan, a former Marine denies the charges, asserting he was there for a wedding. Further, Russia has presented little evidence for its claims outside of what was used in court to imprison him. Trump asked-

“Why wasn’t former Marine Paul Whelan included in this totally one-sided transaction?” adding… “He would have been let out for the asking“…”What a ‘stupid’ and unpatriotic embarrassment for the USA!!!”

-Former President Donald Trump

Whelan reportedly released a statement through CNN, after Biden announced the swap, expressing his great surprise and frustration he was not included in the release negotiations.

“I am greatly disappointed that more has not been done to secure my release, especially as the four-year anniversary of my arrest is coming up. I was arrested for a crime that never occurred,”… “I don’t understand why I’m still sitting here.”

-Paul Whelan, Former Marine, American Prisoner Serving 16 Years In Russia

Griner, a two-time Olympic basketball champion, was arrested in Russia, in February, for “mistakenly” packing her   cannabis vape cartridges - pleading guilty to possession of the cartridges at an airport near Moscow. Last Thursday the Biden administration negotiated her release.

Another example of someone who has not demonstrated even a somewhat patriotic attitude, until detained by the Russians, Griner is a part of American culture who thinks that they are enormously special and should have exceptions to the rules, even in a foreign country. Even White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre the thinks so, noting Griner’s’ lofty example as a person of color and a lesbian.

Sadly, the Biden administration enabled her wishes and traded a most heinous criminal to bring her home, all while leaving Whalen, in a cell in Russia. We’ll see how much Griner loves being home after she gets back to what one could call “normal life” with her constitutionally granted freedoms revisited by her “get out of jail free” card. America will be watching and hopefully the Republicans will finally work to bring Whalen home.

“There is always a great price to pay for irresponsibility.”

-Sunday Adelaja
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