Treasury’s Davidson To Testify Friday About Withholding Biden Family “Suspicious” Wire Transfers

 March 7, 2023

On Friday, the Treasury Department, is scheduled to testify before the House Oversight Committee, about its withholding of 150 suspicious activity reports (SARs) generated by the Biden family and their associates by unusual foreign or high-dollar transactions. Assistant secretary for legislative affairs, Jonathan C. Davidson is slated to testify before the committee. He will be asked to explain, why the agency has refused to provide the SARs, which often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud.

Chairman James Comer (R-KY) of the House Oversight Committee, is investigating James and Hunter Biden, along with Eric Schwerin, for nine violations, including, wire fraud and money laundering. During its investigations, the Treasury has tried to stonewall Comer’s request for the SARs. Reportedly this is because these reports are a key trove of information, that will likely provide details about the family’s foreign business transactions, along with knowledge of whether President Joe Biden remains compromised by foreign governments through his family’s business.

In his written statement on Saturday, Comer said that he intends to also examine legislative solutions to ensure Congress has timely access to the SARs. Comer wrote-

“We are concerned the Treasury Department is acting in bad faith to produce these documents to the Oversight Committee when we know that it has already produced them to another congressional office,” Comer wrote. “At next week’s hearing, a Treasury Department official can explain to Congress and the American people why the department is hiding critical information.”

- Chairman James Comer (R-KY) of the House Oversight Committee

Back in January, Davidson denied the committee’s request for the accumulated,150 SARs, flagged by U.S. banks, citing at that time –

“improper disclosure” of relevant information that could reduce the Biden administration’s ability to “conduct of law enforcement, intelligence, and national security activities.”

- Jonathan C. Davidson, U.S. Treasury Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs

And while the Treasury Department drags its’ feet, the Biden family’s top financial lieutenant Schwerin, is expected to “soon” provide requested documents to the committee. A key player, Schwerin’s potential compliance with the committee, comes reportedly after Hunter plotted in 2019 to betray him, amid their crumbling relationship, revealed in texts form Hunters Laptop, which was apparently obtained and reported by Breitbart News.

Schwerin, was also the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, a fund created by Hunter Biden and several​ associates, that generated business deals in Ukraine, China, Russia, and Romania. Likely to know where all the skeletons are buried, Schwerin also shared bank accounts with President Joe Biden, and was dubbed the family’s “moneyman.”

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.’

-Rush Limbaugh
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