Trans Flight Attendant Who Starred In United Airlines Commercial Dies In Apparent Suicide

 March 24, 2023

Reportedly, a transgender flight attendant who starred in a United Airlines commercial, has died at 25 from an apparent suicide. In 2020, Kayleigh Scott, who was named Kyle before transitioning, received national exposure by starring in a United Airlines commercial that focused on Scott’s transition from a man to a woman. “I am trans and I am proud,” Scott had said. The commercial was created for the Trans Day of Visibility, an annual event to celebrate transgender individuals.

According to a TMZ report, Scott, was found dead Monday in a Denver, Colorado, apartment after posting on Instagram earlier in the day, the intent to commit suicide.

In a farewell post on Instagram, Scott wrote-

“As I take my final breaths and exit this living earth, I would like to apologize to everyone I let down. I am so sorry I could not be better,” …“To those that I love, I am sorry I could not be stronger. To those that gave me their everything, I am sorry my effort was not reciprocated.”…“Please understand that me leaving is not a reflection of you, but the result of my own inability to turn myself for the better. To Ashley, Cynthia, Regine & Sophia. I am so sorry. Please remember me for the good memories we have shared, and never for my downfall. I will see you all again on the other side.”

-Kayleigh Scott

The New York Post reported that Representatives for United said –

 “We are incredibly saddened by the tragic loss of Kayleigh Scott and extend our deepest condolences to her family, friends and co-workers.”

- Representatives For United Airlines

Scott’s sister, Ashley, reportedly commented on the post in what appears to be a confirmation of Kayleigh’s death.

Police in Denver are investigating and that the city’s medical examiner will determine an official cause of death, according to a TMZ report.

This is such a sad tribute to someone who chased after the Trans Dream of being more whole and finding yourself. For all of Scott’s trying there was no satisfaction in making it to the place that Scott sought. Like aiming for the heights and seeing the folly of human efforts, Scott was unable to meet the expectation of perfection sought. What a sad testimony of human thought and a good example of human frailty aside from a Creator whose love could have helped.

“But in the end, one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”

-Albert Camus
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