Three Democrats Who Committed Insurrection in Tennessee Are To Be Honored At White House

 April 20, 2023

Tennessee State Representatives Justin Jones, Justin J. Pearson and Gloria Johnson, all Democrats, have demonstrated both in and out of the Tennessee State Legislature, in support of gun control laws. Their protests, have been dubbed insurrections, by their fellow legislators, as well as Second Amendment advocates. These protests have occurred in the wake of the Nashville Covenant School shooting.

Legislators Jones and Pearson were expelled in March, for taking over the democratic debate, on the floor of the legislature, in collusion with gun protesters, who invaded the Tennessee Capitol. The third representative, who also participated, Gloria Johnson, narrowly survived an expulsion vote. Their respective municipalities have since restored both Jones and Pearson to their positions.

However, these three Democrat Tennessee state lawmakers are now celebrities and will be honored at the White House. This is after they literally disrupted a legislative proceeding. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced Wednesday-

[The President wants to] “thank them for speaking out and standing their ground and being very clear about what’s needed for our community,”

- Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary

At the White House press conference, when Fox News’s Peter Doocy, asked if any of the Nashville Covenant School shooting victims were also invited to the White House. He was essentially told no. The interchange went like this-

“You’re going to have three of the lawmakers who protested,” Doocy started before being interrupted. “Peacefully protested,” Jean-Pierre interjected. “Peacefully protested,” Doocy repeated before finishing his question, “after the Nashville Covenant School shooting. Have any of the victims or their families been invited to the White House?” …

“I don’t have anything to read out to you on any invite,” Jean-Pierre responded.

-Fox News

Why not invite three legislators, from a basically Red State, who stirred up dissent in their own legislature, obviously supporting Biden’s gun control policies, to the White House? This is rather than offering condolences or showing respect, to the families who lost loved ones to a confused transgender person - who herself is now also being honored by many as the biggest victim. It is both sad and outrageous!

The state of American society keeps reaching new lows with every passing day, with the Biden administration leading the charge downhill. America needs to wake up and see the reality of what this charge - is doing to, or is basically allowing, in our country, to those who stand/represent - faith, family and freedom. Little wonder, the world is losing its regard for this nation.

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.”

-Jim Rohn
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