Texas Megachurch Leader Robert Morris, Who Formerly Advised Donald Trump, Steps Down Amid Abuse Claims

 June 19, 2024

A significant religious figure resigned from a prominent Texas church following serious allegations of past sexual abuse.

The Washington Examiner reported that Robert Morris, formerly of Gateway Church in Dallas, tendered his resignation after allegations surfaced of sexual abuse that reportedly occurred in the 1980s. Morris, who once served as a spiritual adviser to Donald Trump, claimed that the situation was initially addressed and resolved over 30 years ago.

However, the recent public revelation has prompted further scrutiny and an independent investigation.

The church's leadership, the Board of Elders, expressed their shock and concern upon learning the full extent of the allegations.

Last Friday’s public disclosure through The Wartburg Watch—a Christian watchdog site—has shaken the community and the church's congregation, which numbers over 100,000 weekly attendees.

Board Reacts to Unsettling Revelations

In a statement made this Tuesday, the Board of Elders addressed the allegations head-on. They admitted to being unaware of the full scope of Morris’s actions, particularly the age of the victim, Cindy Clemishire, at the time of the alleged abuse and the duration for which it occurred. According to the board, their previous understanding was based on Morris’s admission of an extramarital relationship with a "young lady," not with a child.

Cheshire, the victim, stated that Morris first molested her at the age of 12. She detailed that the abuse continued for about four and a half years, starting when Morris was 21.

Her revelations have not only cast a shadow over Morris's character but also raised questions about the oversight and accountability mechanisms within Gateway Church.

To ensure a thorough and impartial examination of these grave allegations, the church has appointed the Haynes and Boone law firm to conduct an independent investigation. This action reflects the church's commitment to transparency and justice, no matter where the findings may lead.

Morrien’s earlier accounts of the matter, as reported, were vague and centered around an extramarital affair incorporating "kissing and petting" but clarified it did not include intercourse.

He recounted that he had come clean about this situation in 1987, faced it head-on with church elders and the young woman's father, and subsequently stepped down from ministry for a time to seek counseling.

The scandal has caught the attention of political and public spheres alike. A spokesperson for Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign clarified that Morris is not involved in the current campaign and emphasized that Trump was unaware of these allegations.

In the wake of the resignation, members of Gateway Church and the broader evangelical community are grappling with the revelations. The discussion extends beyond Morris to broader issues of transparency and accountability in religious institutions.

In their concluding remarks, the Board of Elders and both Morris and Clemishire urged patience and prayer from the community as the investigation proceeds. They committed to taking appropriate actions based on the investigation’s outcomes and emphasized their dedication to supporting all individuals affected by such incidents.

Church and Community Await Answers

As the investigation into the allegations against Robert Morris unfolds, the congregation of Gateway Church and the wider evangelical community are left in a state of reflection and anticipation.

The resolution of this case is poised to have far-reaching implications for leadership accountability in religious communities.

In conclusion, the resignation of Robert Morris following these serious allegations marks a significant moment for Gateway to oversee its leadership and reaffirm its commitment to moral and ethical standards. The undertaken independent investigation will seek to uncover the truth and ensure justice, providing a clear path forward for all involved.

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