Texas Border County Officially Declares “Invasion” On Southern Border

 July 7, 2022

Declaring the “existence of an ‘invasion'” along the Texas border with Mexico, county officials in Bracketteville, Kinney County, Texas, have ask Texas Governor Greg Abbott to respond to their declaration. A contingent of their officials, as well as that of five other counties who spoke in support of the Kinney County declaration are seeking Abbott to-

“acknowledge the existence of an invasion on our border with Mexico.”

-Kinney County Declaration

On Tuesday afternoon, County Officials from Terrell, Medina, Uvalde, Kinney, Burnet, and Goliad Counties met in Bracketteville to express their concerns over the rapidly rising numbers of illegal migrants flooding across the border from Mexico into Texas as well as the impact, of the surge of human smuggling activity has had in their counties.

In a press release from Kinney County, it was stated:

“During the month of June, Kinney County law enforcement has prevented over 67 smuggling attempts along our roadways,” the statement reads. “This past weekend included the unfortunate deaths of 3 illegal aliens who were involved with human smuggling in Kinney County.” Adding that (they have been forced to) “militarize our school campus with vehicle barriers to prevent high-speed chases from entering campus and injuring children.”

-Kinney County Press Release

County Judge Tully Shahan wrote –

“As a Texan, this is not acceptable,”. “We will no longer allow the sovereignty of Texas to be invaded by those unwilling to obey our laws.” and “That is why today, July 5, 2022, Kinney County, joined by several other counties on the Texas border, are declaring the existence of an “invasion” as used in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution and in Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution.”

-Judge Tully Shahan, Kinney County, Texas


“We are taking these steps in hopes of encouraging our Governor to acknowledge the existence of an invasion on our border with Mexico and take the necessary actions to preserve and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Texas.”

-Judge Tully Shahan, Kinney County, Texas

The following excerpt from their declaration (linked above) explains what these American citizens at the border are facing:

America cannot ignore these U.S. Citizens in Texas, in their desperation over this “invasion” of their state. The sovereignty of the state of Texas as well as the entirety of the United States is and continues to be at stake. This is an official cry for help.

Moving forward, U.S. citizens will see how governor Abbott deals with this, as well as how the White House responds to this “invasion” declaration. This document once and for all identifies the “elephant in the room” and leaves no doubt, as to the glaring cost, to those who live there, experiencing first-hand the massive neglect on the part of those who live far from it - secure behind their compound walls with secret service attachments or private security guards. The cost of Joe Biden’s neglect has formally been captured in this “invasion” declaration.

Wake up America, the back fence is on fire! Will the nation sit back and let it burn to the ground or activate the EMS to save it and those whom it protects? We cannot look the other way.

“National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government.”

-Richard Perle
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