Ted Cruz Accuses FBI Deputy Director Of “Covering Up” Details Of Alleged Of $5M Biden Bribery Scheme

 June 14, 2023

On Tuesday, Sen Ted Cruz (R) TX, questioned FBI deputy director Paul Abbate, at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where he urged Abbate to turn over potential evidence, that Joe Biden was involved in $5M Ukrainian bribery scheme. Stonewalling during the discussions, Abbate told Cruz, when asked about the bribery allegations-

"I'm just not gonna comment on information we've received, investigations…this is an area I'm not going to get into,"

-Paul Abbate, FBI Deputy Director

Cruz then slammed Abbate for repeatedly refusing to answer questions regarding their possession of evidence relating to the alleged bribery scheme involving Biden. Reportedly, in 2020, the FBI was informed by a “highly credible source” that then-Vice President Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings. This is the same firm where his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board. An FBI document was established as a result, called an FD 10-32.

An FBI whistleblower, came forward to tell Congress of its existence last month. After denying that the FD-32 existed on this matter, with over forty days of stonewalling, and FBI Director Christopher Wray was threatening with contempt proceedings by Senate Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, the FD 10-32 - finally appeared.

The document was not released until a virtual stonewalling war, was won by Comer after weeks of meetings, phone calls, Congressional Subpoenas and requests. The report literally had to be pulled from the grasp of an uncooperative FBI.

As such, the committee was finally briefed by the FBI on this document last week in a redacted form. However, it was further revealed that there may have been a report generated by the FBI on the matter. According to sources familiar with the document, here are also reportedly 17 voice recordings between the Burisma informant and Joe and Hunter Biden.

According to an earlier report by Fox News, James Comer made the following statements regarding the matter-

"We had whistleblowers approach Senator Grassley about their concern that there was this form 1023 in existence and the FBI had never investigated it," Comer said. "Senator Grassley and I got on the phone with Director Wray, and Senator Grassley told Director Wray that both Senator Grassley and myself had already read the form 1023 from a whistleblower, so we knew darn well it existed."

"Once the FBI allowed me and Jamie Raskin, my counterpart on the House Oversight Committee, to go in and look at it, I read it again and then realized that there were two footnotes in there that referenced other 1023s,"

"This is going to turn out, I think, a lot like the suspicious activity reports that the Treasury Cabinet had on the Bidens," … "There are a lot more of these than what the federal government wants to admit, and the question is, why hasn't the federal government done anything about it?"

-Senator James Comer (R) TN, Chairman Of The House Oversight Committee

Cruz, in this same meeting, continued to press Abbate on whether the bureau is currently in possession of the report on the Biden family bribery allegations, if they investigated the allegations, and whether they would provide the Senate with the requested recordings and documents to verify their credibility.  Abbate continued to refused to comment.

Accusing the FBI of "stonewalling and covering up serious allegations of evidence of corruption from the president."

Cruz slammed the director for repeatedly avoiding his questions. Cruz said-

"This is why you are damaging the institution,"… "The American people have a right to know whether there is serious credible evidence the president of the United States took a $5 million bribery."…"The Democrats don't want a hearing on these allegations. And to be clear, if the allegations are false, do you wanna know who can disprove them, Joe Biden,"

-Senator Ted Cruz, (R) TX

Getting any level of cooperation by this FBI, has been ridiculous at best. Senator Cruz comments regarding the damage this FBI/DOJ has seemingly accomplished in recent months is spot on. This is especially true when you consider the fact that theses institutions have been weaponized, as a political hammer against Joe Biden’s most formidable presidential opponent in the 2024 presidential elections to come, former President Donald Trump.

America deserves the truth and thanks to these house congressional committees, this nation may finally come to understand the corruption, that has been foisted upon it, by now President Joe Biden and his family. The truth needs to finally come out.

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”

-Rush Limbaugh
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