Senate Unveils Gun Control Deal: Expands Background Checks And Prohibited Purchasers

 June 23, 2022

The bipartisan gun control deal Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) struck with Democrats at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) behest was unveiled by the Senate Tuesday. According to NPR reports the gun control package expands background checks for gun buyers ages 18-20 and also expands the prohibited buyers list by adding dating relationships under the domestic violence clause. This closes the “boyfriend loophole” Democrats have been arguing against for years. Further the legislation contains financial incentives for states that agree to adopt red flag laws.

Telling Breitbart News Saturday, Rep. Matt Gaetz discussed the financial incentives for red laws that the Cornyn gun control package uses, in his words-

“federal money to bribe states to enact red flag laws.” adding (that the package is) ““literally using the federal government to bribe the states to deprive citizens of their Second Amendment rights.”

- Rep. Matt Gaetz

Following Gaetz’s comments, the NRA responded to the gun control by saying it-

“falls short at every level.” adding that “This legislation can be abused to restrict lawful gun purchases, infringe upon the rights of law-abiding Americans, & use fed dollars to fund gun control measures being adopted by state & local politicians.” noting “This bill leaves too much discretion in the hands of government officials and also contains undefined and overboard provisions — inviting interference with our constitutional freedoms.”

-The National Rifle Association

A recent milestone in any collaborative effort, this measure is an initial try at some bipartisan interplay that gives each major political party some say in critical measures to each side of the isle. While some disagree that any effort by these legislators is not helpful, and could potentially either harm America’s Second Amendment or do nothing to help curb the mass shooting that have swept the land of late – it would seem some effort is better than none.

There will always be those who abuse the law, however, if nothing is done, American citizens will continue to face the many problems that have been isolated to mass shootings across the land, giving loose Democrats the upper hand from a social perspective. This legislation is merely a place from which to start the discussion of what is to be done.

Watchful vigilance is the real key. Voting those into office who agree that Americans should be free to protect their own is how this Amendment is protected – not arguing how to get people to change their mind after the fact. America needs to stand her ground and be watchful.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to act in its defense."

-George P. Shultz
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