Never-Trumper Anthony Scaramucci Blasts Biden For Using Teleprompter At Elitist Fundraiser

 June 30, 2024

In East Hampton, President Joe Biden used a teleprompter at a fundraiser, sparking debate over his capabilities for a potential rerun.

The New York Post reported that President Biden attended a major fundraiser on Saturday and at this gathering, Biden’s use of a teleprompter was overt, adding to ongoing discussions about his suitability for a second term.

The fundraiser follows closely after Biden’s widely debated performance against Donald Trump at a CNN debate, stirring doubts about his effectiveness.

Critics and supporters alike pointed out his lapses in speech and coherence, which did not go unnoticed by the event's attendees, including former Trump aide and current Biden supporter, Anthony Scaramucci.

Scaramucci shared his observations on X (formerly Twitter), commending Biden for his teleprompter reading but also expressing severe reservations about the sustainability of this approach. He voiced a crucial need for Biden to engage more dynamically with the public to truly showcase his presidential capabilities.

Anthony Scaramucci emphasizes the urgency for a revised approach, stating, “I went to President Biden‘s fundraiser in East Hampton and I thought he did quite well reading the teleprompter today and meeting with people. However, that is not going to be enough to prove to the American people that he’s up for another 4 years.”

Scaramucci Proposes New Strategies for Biden

As the discussions seeped through the political corridors, Scaramucci didn’t just critique; he pitched several suggestions.

He proposed that Biden should consider hosting weekly press conferences, get interviewed on CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” meet with The New York Times editorial board, and make appearances on late-night shows. These actions, he believed, would help counteract the negative impressions left by his debate performance.

Adding to the discourse was Biden's former spokesman, Michael LaRosa, who responded to Scaramucci’s posts. “@Scaramucci you’re [100%] correct. I’ve been saying this same thing for a year but they TRULY do not want to listen to anybody else. But I’m glad you are speaking out about what you observed,” he said, signaling an acknowledgment from within Biden’s camp of the need for strategic realignments.

This call for a shift gains further legitimacy considering the recency of The New York Times editorial board’s scathing recommendation for Biden to withdraw from the race, published just a day before the fundraiser. These endorsements and criticisms form a somber backdrop as Biden prepares to contend in the forthcoming debate scheduled for September 10.

Reflecting on his performance, Biden candidly admitted in Raleigh, NC, post-debate, “I don’t debate as well as I used to,” revealing a personal acknowledgment of the criticisms leveled against him.

Through the fundraiser and the waves of feedback it has generated, one thing remains clear: Biden is at a critical juncture.

With the election on the horizon, every appearance, statement, and strategy bears weight, more so now, as he attempts to recalibrate his campaign in the face of adversity.

Biden's Strategic Choices Going Forward

As the political landscape responds to these developments, the essence of Scaramucci's message resonates—a static campaign might not be enough.

His articulate critique and the responses it has invoked underscore a pivotal phase for Biden’s campaign strategy.

Echoing his sentiments, Scaramucci made a poignant remark reflecting the urgency of the matter. “This can all be done in the next week – there is no time to waste.”

His words not only underline the necessary immediacy but also call for an introspective look at the campaign’s direction.

With suggestions from allies and critiques from observers aligning, the path forward for Biden remains fraught with challenges yet perhaps, opportunities for significant recalibration.

As the countdown to the next major confrontation on the debate stage ticks closer, all eyes will be on how Biden and his team pivot in response to this critical feedback loop.


In conclusion, the fundraiser in East Hampton was not just an event to rally support but a mirror reflecting the deeper currents within Biden’s campaign.

It highlighted the critical voices within his circle, the public’s growing apprehension, and a pressing need for strategic shifts to address overarching concerns about competence and presidential readiness. As Biden prepares for the upcoming debate, his response to these critiques will be crucial in defining the trajectory of his run for a second term.

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