RNC Chair Michael Whatley Reports Success In Combating 'Hundreds' Of Election Fraud Incidents

 November 7, 2024

The Republican National Committee (RNC) actively confronted numerous challenges during the recent election to preserve voting integrity.

Breitbart reported that the RNC resolved various election incidents, including unauthorized blocking of poll observers and delays in vote counting, through a formidable legal presence and monitoring strategy.

Under the chairmanship of Michael Whatley, the RNC was on high alert the entire election night, managing a plethora of incidents thought to impact the election's fairness and transparency.

Whatley highlighted the deployment of a vast network of poll observers and a dedicated legal team across the country as key to the RNC's strategy. “We had, you know, just a myriad of things, in Arizona, in Nevada, you know, in other states,” Whatley said, stressing the nationwide scale of the operation.

This large-scale operation included approximately 230,000 poll observers strategically placed around the United States to monitor the election proceedings.

Pennsylvania, being a crucial battleground state, had over 15,000 of these observers to oversee the election activities meticulously. The actions taken were meant to ensure that the election process was conducted transparently and lawfully, adhering to all state regulations.

Election Night Challenges and RNC's Swift Responses

Among the challenges faced were incidents in Philadelphia where poll observers were temporarily barred from entering the polling places. “So all of our poll workers show up. You know, when the polls open, and they wouldn’t let them in. And you know, we’re like, ‘Well, we’re the registered poll workers.’ They said, ‘That’s great. You’re not getting in,'" recounted Whatley.

In a quick turn of events, the RNC's legal team intervened, ensuring that the observers were allowed entrance within about 30 minutes. “And within 30 minutes, our people were in the room. And that, to me, is being very aggressive, forward-leaning,” Whatley explained, demonstrating the effectiveness of their preparedness.

Another significant issue arose in a county in Pennsylvania where officials initially decided to postpone the vote counting until the following day. This decision was quickly contested by the RNC's lawyers as it breached state laws mandating continuous vote counting.

“We had one, you know, a county that said, ‘Well, we’re not going to count throughout the night. We’re going to hold all our ballots and count them tomorrow.’ That violates state law,” Whatley stated.

The legal argument made by the RNC was effective, with county officials reversing their decision, thus complying with the state law. “And they said, ‘Well, hold on a minute. We’ll go ahead and count them tonight," Whatley revealed, illustrating a victory for election integrity.

The RNC's legal muscle was comprised of approximately 6,500 lawyers nationwide, with hundreds of law firms on retainer prepared to address any legal challenges. This extensive preparation was crucial in addressing the multitude of incidents reported. The internal team alone included 115 attorneys who were pivotal in the quick resolution of disputes and ensuring polling stations followed the regulations.

Laura Trump, as the co-chair of the RNC's efforts, also played a significant role, receiving praise from Whatley. “I was talking with, with Laura Trump this morning, who has just been amazing, as the co-chair, about how big this effort was,” he commented, acknowledging her contributions to the orchestration and execution of the election night strategy.

Comprehensive Efforts to Secure Transparent Elections

Even minor incidents were actively managed by the RNC, reflecting their proactive approach to maintaining a fair election. “And a lot of them were, you know, they seemed minor at the time,” Whatley noted, underscoring the importance of addressing even the smallest issues to prevent larger problems.

The RNC's comprehensive involvement during the election was seen as both preventative and assertive. The aim was clear: to demonstrate a strong presence that would deter any potential infringements on the election process.

“What you want to do is be there and demonstrate to these guys [that you] are going to be there, and then they’ll back off and they won’t cheat," explained Whatley about their strategy to maintain the integrity of the election.

By ensuring each polling station was well-monitored and legally compliant, the RNC endeavored to uphold the cornerstone principles of fair and transparent voting across the nation. This vigilance is a testament to their commitment to safeguarding democracy and reflecting the will of the people accurately and lawfully.

Through strategic litigation and substantial human resources, the RNC tackled perceived threats to election transparency. Their prompt and effective responses to incidents of potential election malfeasance on election night played a pivotal role in upholding state laws and regulations.

This involved a dynamic strategy of deploying legal and observational resources which were critical in managing the election smoothly and fairly. “We have, you know, 115 attorneys in-house, and everybody — it was all hands on deck. I can’t thank the overall team enough, just because it just — all you have to do is look at the results and say, yeah, these guys decided to go forward with it,” Whatley concluded, expressing gratitude towards the extensive team that supported the electoral process.

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