Pundits Declare Depp’s Victory Over Ex-Wife Means ‘#MeToo Is Officially Over’

 June 3, 2022

Media pundits and other commentators are declaring the end of the reign of terror known as the “#MeToo movement”, now that Johnny Depp’s has won on all counts in his defamation suit against his ex-wife Amber Heard.

This movement for years now has elevated accusations over due process, effectively replacing trial by jury with trial by media. It has made obtaining a fair and impartial trial almost impossible.

Sympathies related to this movement for women especially, have run ahead of most jury trials because the focus of the movement is reportedly to empower sexually assaulted people through empathy and solidarity by strength in numbers, especially young, vulnerable women. This is why focusing on facts rather than emotional aspect of any abuse claimed has been hard to overcome.

However, this week, a jury vindicated Hollywood star Johnny Depp in declaring that Amber Heard did defame him and that she lied in the Post opinion article stating that she was a victim of spousal abuse. The jury agreed with Depp on all counts and awarded him $15 million in damages.

The result of this verdict, has produced many various obituaries written for the #MeToo movement, with those in the media declaring, that the era of believing women without question, is officially over. This case, though many weeks long, evaluated the facts in a very thorough way and the truth prevailed. Long live Jack Sparrow!

“Depp won in the court of public opinion and in the court of law. Pirates of the Caribbean: The End of #MeToo,”

-Rich Zeoli, Host Philadelphia’s Talk Radio 1210 WPHT

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