Protesters Flood Tennessee Capital Chanting “Gun Control Now”

 April 1, 2023

On Thursday, holding signs and chanting, “Gun control now,” a group of protesters flooded into Tennessee’s capitol building. According to a report by The New Republic, the protesters gathered outside the capitol as well, where they chanted “protect our kids.”

Strangely, the group is said to have not specified any particular gun control measure they are supporting, nor have they indicated what if any gun control, that they feel would have prevented the 28-year-old transgender attacker from killing six people at a Christian school there, on Monday. Their purpose seems to be to make their voices known without having a solution they are looking for, except demanding that the Tennessee legislature remove gun rights.

And seemingly, on observance of the video, the largest population of protesters can be seen to be under 30 years old. They apparently are following the false concept, that legislators’ jobs are to remove the rights they, as citizens, have established under the U.S. Constitution. They were actually, languidly demanding their 2nd Amendment rights be abolished. These undereducated young people seemed to be organized under some other group and mindlessly chanting (with preprinted signs) in favor of gun control.

As previously reported, Mondays’ assailant at the Christian school, chose them as a target, because they had no armed resource officers present. Surveillance footage showed the attacker brandishing a pistol caliber carbine, as she walked the halls of the school and faced no armed resistance while looking for targets.

In response to this shooting, Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) are introducing legislation to set aside $900 million in grants, that schools can use to hire retired officers,  off-duty police officers, and veterans, for campus security. A gun free zone is only for law-abiding citizens. It does not deter, but rather invites action, by those person’s intending harm. Hopefully this funding will encourage schools to add some security to their gun free zones that will take away the draw for criminals to literally target these campuses.

“Shallow men believe in luck; wise and strong men in the cause and effect."

–Ralph Waldo Emerson
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