Press Secretary Jean-Pierre Lashes Out At Reporter When Asked If WH Cocaine Belonged To Biden Family

 July 8, 2023

On Friday, Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary, angrily lashed out at a reporter who asked whether the cocaine found in the West Wing, last weekend, belonged to a member of the Biden family. The exchange happened during the daily White House press briefing.

When Caitlin Doornbos, a New York Post reporter, asked Jean-Pierre if she could "say once and for all whether or not the cocaine belonged to the Biden family," Jean-Pierre appeared visibly uncomfortable. Then when also pressed to explain why deputy press secretary Andrew Bates dodged questions related to the cocaine, by citing the Hatch Act a day earlier, her demeanor seemed outright perturbed.

As her agitation appeared to build, Jean-Pierre, said of the two questions, starting with Bates-

"So – a couple of things there," …"He mentioned the Hatch Act because the question was posed to him in – using Donald Trump. And so he was trying to be very mindful." [adding]…

"You know, there has been some irresponsible reporting about the family. And so I've got to call that out here. And I have been very clear. I was clear two days ago when talking about this over and over again as I was being asked the question," [losing it she added]…

"As you know, and media outlets reported this, the Biden family was not here. They were not here. They were at Camp David. They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday. So to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible. And I'll just leave it there,"

-White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre

Jean-Pierre went on to claim that the administration wasn't "avoiding the question," and that she had "exhaustively" answered questions on the cocaine subject for days. However, many outlets had already begun to speculate as to who it was, that could have avoided security, to bring the substance into the White House. The situation even attracted scrutiny from liberal network MSNBC, with at least one host speculating that the cocaine didn't belong to just an "average" person, since it was found near the Situation Room in a secure location.

The whole matter relates to the fact that, on Sunday evening, the White House campus was briefly evacuated, after a suspicious substance was discovered by U.S. Secret Service in a common area of the West Wing. A preliminary field-test, and later formal lab test, found the substance to be positively identified as cocaine.

On Monday. House Republicans opened an investigation into the cocaine discovery, calling on the head of the U.S. Secret Service to give Congress more information. Rep. James Comer, (R) KY, House Oversight Committee Chairman, called the illicit discovery - a "shameful" moment.

As the investigation unfolds, this becomes yet another mystery for House Republicans to solve, as they challenge the Biden administration for yet again - the truth. That drugs could be found in such a secure place is very disturbing to say the least. Stay tuned America, the truth is yet to be uncovered.

“Nothing is hidden that will not be made known; nothing is secret that will not come to light.”

-Dan Brown
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