Pfizer's Fourth-Shot, The Battle For The TRUTH vs PROFITS Rages On

 March 17, 2022

Big pharma has made a fresh application seeking to add a fourth-shot (booster) for the over- 65 population. This is in addition to the 2 shots plus one booster regimen that is already covered under their emergency use approval by the FDA. So far in the US a fourth dose is recommended only for people, previously vaccinated with three injections, who have severely weakened immune systems. Sounds serious and medically necessary right ? Perhaps to the uninformed consumer this might even sound noble.

Despite their testing for this new submission (application) at their reported study center in Israel, with the vaccine’s seemingly positive results, the question is why trust a company with your health when their motivation – beyond what they intimate – is their own profit margin.

Frankly, America’s health beyond its freedoms is its most precious asset, which requires protecting from any enterprise that hides behind a government agency with compromised standards.

Just this month, Frontline News reported that the FDA was ordered (by Federal Judge Mark Pittman) to release the first 55,000 pages (per month) of vaccine related documents and some of the contents were disturbingly shocking.

This batch of documents, released on March 1st, revealed among others things that the FDA and Pfizer had prior knowledge of thousands of adverse side effects resulting from their vaccine. No real news of these side-effects reached beyond them it would seem.

Interestingly in an interview of Pfizers CEO Albert Bourla back in November of 2021 on The Atlantic Council’s “Front Page” podcast he was quoted to have said that those who spread misinformation on Covid-19 vaccines are “criminals” adding they have cost “millions of lives.” Sadly, in the court of public opinion this kind of emotional verbiage garners sympathy. If there is a caution to be had however – don’t sweep it under the rug!

Effectively they are demonstrating to the American populous – don’t tell the truth about safety, dismissing the evidence of the possible perils of these vaccines and certainly publicly threaten those who question where the truth lies, while we capture the moral high ground in the media to sell our position. It would certainly seem they have made an art form out of their own propaganda – sadly with the FDA lining their wallets.

Mysteriously missing from the release of these documents is a record of the money the FDA receives from Pfizer annually. Two documents are purposed to note that $2,875,842 was paid by Pfizer to the FDA as a Prescription Drug User Fee, which is standard and listed on the FDA’s website. But sources are now looking for the hundreds of millions of dollars the FDA receives from Pfizer each year. Despite the FDA’s own claim that these monies exist - there seems to be no record of it.  Hmmm – wonder why not?

So why wouldn’t the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control approve this latest request? They likely will. Hopefully Americans will legitimately consider why? Lastly, questioning an industry’s motivation is not wrong when it comes to the health of its’ citizenry.

To make wise choices regarding individual health and that of our posterity is to preserve tomorrow. Quoting Catherine Pulsifer - “Life presents many choices, the choices we make determine our future.”

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