Pelosi Steps Aside And Will Not Seek Re-Election As Democrat House Leader

 November 18, 2022

On Thursday, after 20 years at the post, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced she will not seek reelection as the Democrat House leader. She said in her address on the House floor-

“This I will continue to do as a member of the House speaking for the people of San Francisco, serving the great state of California, and defending our Constitution, and with great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” …“The hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic Caucus that I greatly respect,”

-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) House Speaker of The House

House speaker for two stints, Pelosi has wielded the speakers’ gavel, and has represented her California district since 1987. She is now stepping aside, suggesting she would be there to help guide Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), her chosen successor, as he assumes the leadership position for Democrats. Earlier reports, on Thursday, suggested Pelosi would stay in Congress but leave leadership, which is apparently her plan moving forward.

According to a Washington Post report,

 "Her decision to not seek reelection as the top Democrat in Congress’s lower chamber marks the culmination of a political career widely seen as setting the standard for wielding political power. Historians largely agree that Pelosi redefined the speakership, and she made history climbing the ranks of Democratic leadership, becoming the first woman to be second in line to the presidency — twice."

The Hill said of Pelosi’s replacement-

“Jeffries, the current chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, with the help of other house Democrats, will jump several rungs up the leadership ladder to replace Pelosi in the next Congress, when Republicans take control of the lower chamber. If Jeffries secures the position in the coming weeks, he would become the first new House Democratic leader, in two decades, and make history of his own: No Black politician has ever led either party’s caucus in the House or Senate according to The New York Times.”

-The Hill

In her speech, Nancy said that America had spoken. She was absolutely right in that, a change is coming because of the those in the Democratic party, who have been entrenched in her form of leadership, that has run roughshod over America’s constitutional freedoms. Their efforts to move America away from a representative republic and change it into a socialist America – has to be stopped.

Replacing Pelosi, will be Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the GOP nominee to succeed Pelosi as the next House Speaker. McCarthy needs to secure 218 votes on the floor of the House in early 2023 at the beginning of the new Congress to get there.

Hopefully, McCarthy will not stop until this country is set aright, and not squander the opportunity the American people have provided to he and House Republicans, to turn things around. May God Bless America once more.

“Leadership is not a popularity contest; it's about leaving your ego at the door. The name of the game is to lead without a title.”

-Robin S. Sharma
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