Oregon Republican Rejects Secession, Urges Unity In Political Struggle

 June 16, 2024

In a bold stance against a growing separatist movement within her state, Monique DeSpain, a Republican congressional candidate in Oregon, has spoken out against the proposal for several eastern counties to secede and join Idaho, advocating instead for political engagement and unity.

The Daily Mail reported that DeSpain, a retired Air Force colonel with 30 years of service, emphasized the importance of confronting political challenges within the state rather than seeking separation. DeSpain advocates for tackling political issues through electoral means, rather than secession.

The secession movement, known as the "Greater Idaho Movement," has gathered pace, with 13 counties in Eastern Oregon voting in late May to begin negotiations for joining Idaho.

This initiative stems from feelings of underrepresentation and dissatisfaction with the political dominance of Oregon's liberal western regions, namely Portland and Eugene.

At an event hosted by Rep. Elise Stefanik and involving other female GOP candidates, DeSpain critically addressed these internal state conflicts. She articulated the challenges that many constituents feel overlooked by the current political representation.

DeSpain Highlights Local Issues Amplifying Secession Sentiments

In her discourse, DeSpain pointed out that the same issues propelling the secession movement, such as rampant homelessness and the fentanyl crisis, are prevalent in her hometown of Eugene and across Oregon. Despite having over 2,000 nonprofits focused on these issues, DeSpain criticized the lack of substantial progress and the opaque handling of the funds allocated to combat these crises.

These grievances, she suggests, contribute to the broader feeling of political and cultural disenfranchisement experienced by the Eastern countries. DeSpain argues that addressing these issues effectively through governmental transparency and accountability could mitigate the motivations driving the secessionist sentiment.

At a recent EPAC event on Capitol Hill, DeSpain shared her vision with other Republican candidates, stressing the importance of accountability in handling the funds directed towards Oregon's social issues.

DeSpain's criticism extends to the operational efficacy of the myriad of nonprofits tackling homelessness and addiction. She points out the contradiction in the rising number of service organizations and the persistent severity of the problems, suggesting a mismanagement of resources. Her campaign proposes rigorous audits and accountability for the funds flowing into these social problems.

"We have over 2,000 nonprofits serving this homeless addiction community, which is just unbelievable, given the fact that we're the worst still in the country," DeSpain remarked at a public gathering.

Her call for more transparent and accountable handling of funds is a central theme of her campaign, as she believes that clarity in financial matters will lead to better outcomes for the state's most pressing issues.

On the evening of May 21, 2024, while closely monitoring the election results at a district watch party, DeSpain reiterated her commitment to her state and its issues. "I'm encouraging people to stay and fight," she told attendees, reinforcing her stance against the secession movement.

"Portland does not represent the majority of Oregon ... just as Eugene doesn’t represent the majority of people in the fourth district," DeSpain explained to DailyMail.com. Her campaign banks on these sentiments resonating with the broader population that feels similarly undervalued in the political discourse.

By confronting the issues head-on and seeking electoral solutions within Oregon, DeSpain believes her approach not only serves the interests of her constituents but also preserves the integrity and unity of the state. "Ultimately, America is the only free nation on Earth, and so we can't start by leaving Oregon going to Idaho," she concluded, emphasizing the national implications of local political struggles.


In concluding her argument against the secession of Eastern Oregon, DeSpain calls for a concerted effort to address state issues through improved representation and accountability.

By advocating for audits and greater scrutiny of funds intended for social issues, she positions her campaign as a fight not just for Oregon, but for maintaining America's foundational unity. As the election progresses, DeSpain remains a pivotal figure in the dialogue about Oregon's political future and the broader American principle of tackling internal challenges cohesively.

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