OceanGate's Titan Sub Debris, Visibly Damaged, Is Seen For First Time Since Deadly Catastrophe

 June 28, 2023

For the first time since the craft's deadly failure last week, photos reveal the pressure damaged debris of OceanGate Exploration's Titan submersible. The debris was recovered from the ocean floor near the wreck of the Titanic.

Originally, the search for the Titan went on for days, with speculation that those aboard could still be alive, breathing from the 96-hour supply of oxygen aboard the craft. However, debris from the craft was ultimately found on June 22, when all those aboard were confirmed dead.

On Wednesday, offloaded from a vessel in St. John's Harbor in Newfoundland, Canada,  pieces of the craft showed visible signs of pressure damage, from dents to being outright crumpled. Reportedly, the U.S. Coast Guard is working to recover debris, from the craft, throughout this week.

Forty-five minutes into its descent toward the wreck of the Titanic, reportedly the Titan submersible suffered a catastrophic implosion killing all five onboard.  The passengers included: OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, father-son pair Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood, U.K billionaire Hamish Harding, and French mariner Paul-Henry Nargeolet. For a ticket, on the fateful submersible visit to view the legendary Titanic wreckage, OceanGate had charged $250,000 per person with a reported discount for the father/ son team.

Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.”

-Luke the Evangelist
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