Nikki Haley Announces Her Father Passed Away On Fathers Day

 June 17, 2024

Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador and former Governor of South Carolina, announced the passing of her father, Ajit Singh Randhawa, on a day meant for celebrating fathers worldwide.

Fox News reported that Haley shared the somber news of her father's death through a heartfelt post on X. Ajit Singh Randhawa, aged and recently battling cancer, passed away on a day reserved for honoring fathers, casting a shadow of grief over what is typically a day of celebration.

Haley's post included a photograph taken at a February campaign event in South Carolina, capturing a significant family moment during her presidential campaign.

This image, imbued with unspoken emotions, symbolized Randhawa's enduring support for his daughter’s ambitions.

The Life and Legacy of Ajit Singh Randhawa

Ajit Singh Randhawa, born in India's Punjab region, embarked on an academic journey that led him to Canada and eventually to South Carolina in 1969. A respected educator at Voorhees College, his teachings transcended the classroom, profoundly shaping his family's values and ethics.

Randhawa's influence was deeply felt within his close-knit family. Married for over 64 years, he was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. His legacy encompasses not only his immediate family but also the students and community he served throughout his career.

Nikki Haley, born three years after her parents' move to the United States, often credited her father with instilling in her the values of faith, grace, and perseverance. These principles not only guided her personal life but also her political career, highlighting the profound impact Randhawa had on his daughter.

In February 2023, Nikki Haley announced her candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential primary. This event was notably held at the Charleston Visitor Center, a choice imbued with personal significance as it featured her father prominently, showcasing his central role in her life.

However, Haley's campaign faced trials beyond the political battles typical of a presidential race. In January, she temporarily suspended her campaign activities to be by her father's side when he was hospitalized in South Carolina, indicating the severity of his health issues and her dedication to family despite her national political ambitions.

Ultimately, Haley withdrew from the presidential race in March 2024, paving the way for former President Donald Trump. Her decision underscored the complex interplay of personal commitments and public responsibilities that define the life of a public servant.

Haley's tribute to her father expressed not only her deep personal loss but also celebrated his life and virtues. "This morning I had to say goodbye to the smartest, sweetest, kindest, most decent man I have ever known," Haley disclosed in her emotional X post. Her words painted a vivid portrait of a man devoted to his family and his principles.

"My heart is heavy knowing he is gone," she continued, highlighting his roles as a dedicated husband, loving grandfather, and great-grandfather. In her message, Haley encapsulated the profound influence her father had on their family, emphasizing his teachings on faith, hard work, and grace.

Even in mourning, Haley found a way to celebrate her father, concluding her tribute with, "Happy Father’s Day Dad. We will miss you dearly." These words, while marked by sorrow, also acknowledged the significance of the day and the indelible mark Randhawa left on his family.


The passing of Ajit Singh Randhawa on Father's Day adds a layer of poignant symbolism to his daughter Nikki Haley's public acknowledgment of his life and legacy.

A revered educator and patriarch, Randhawa's teachings and values live on through his family and the many lives he touched.

While Haley's presidential campaign was briefly put on pause to attend to her father, the values she gleaned from him remain evident in her continued public service and dedication to family. As the world remembers him, it is clear that Ajit Singh Randhawa's legacy is far-reaching, touching not only his immediate family but also extending to the broader community through education and public service.

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